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Best segment in a long long long time - Printable Version

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Best segment in a long long long time - houseboat - 11-02-2008

Wed 10-29-2008 segment 13 "homeschool kids beat up"

I laughed so hard, over and over and over.


I suggest everyone get a podscast subscription to listen to it. Comedic gold! 8-)

Best segment in a long long long time - mayorofawesometown - 11-02-2008

Incorrect. The best segment in a long, long, long time was every segment 16 from the last few weeks where they talked about hockey.

Best segment in a long long long time - zetsyuk - 11-02-2008

mayorofawesometown Wrote:Incorrect. The best segment in a long, long, long time was every segment 16 from the last few weeks where they talked about hockey.


Best segment in a long long long time - plumpenut - 11-02-2008

nothing better than hockey talk

Best segment in a long long long time - siggy778 - 11-02-2008

Best segments I can recall were:

- Len O'Kelly giving us all eargasms.

- Joe calling El Matador in with the monster air horn.

- The segment from about 9 months ago that I just heard recently on best of where they kept saying their station was "(something) MAX FM" and then they'd play a bunch of funny songs that were related.

- Over a year ago, they had a comedian on and Joe had just done the stunt where he was in the dryer and that white trash lady yelled at him and he said it sucked him in. They had the comedian copy what she said only in a Chinese accent. I almost drove off the highway and into a ditch because I was laughing so hard.

Best segment in a long long long time - siggy778 - 11-03-2008

houseboat Wrote:Wed 10-29-2008 segment 13 "homeschool kids beat up"

I laughed so hard, over and over and over.


I suggest everyone get a podscast subscription to listen to it. Comedic gold! 8-)

LOL the best part was when they talked to that girl named Tetra and HotWings said "Your dad would've killed himself....He didn't, did he?"

Best segment in a long long long time - drunkenmom - 11-03-2008

houseboat Wrote:Wed 10-29-2008 segment 13 "homeschool kids beat up"

I laughed so hard, over and over and over.


I suggest everyone get a podscast subscription to listen to it. Comedic gold! 8-)

That kid that won the BEE and started by saying that the reporter said his name wrong cracked me up. I was actually embarassed for the reporter. Stupid jerk kid.

Best segment in a long long long time - houseboat - 11-03-2008

siggy778 Wrote:Best segments I can recall were:

- Len O'Kelly giving us all eargasms.

- Joe calling El Matador in with the monster air horn.

- The segment from about 9 months ago that I just heard recently on best of where they kept saying their station was "(something) MAX FM" and then they'd play a bunch of funny songs that were related.

- Over a year ago, they had a comedian on and Joe had just done the stunt where he was in the dryer and that white trash lady yelled at him and he said it sucked him in. They had the comedian copy what she said only in a Chinese accent. I almost drove off the highway and into a ditch because I was laughing so hard.

All good ones... I don't remember the comedian copy w/ chinese accent. Maybe it'll be on a flashback soon?

Best segment in a long long long time - linzi - 11-03-2008

Len was awesome....he should be doing some drops...the intervention episode where they played walking on sunshine, I nearly wet myself. Cow part car wash is another good one when Joe got hit with the helmet and rocks from the back of the truck.

Best segment in a long long long time - freebeer - 11-03-2008

Comedian with an accent was "The Chinaman".

www.mesofunny.com I think

By the way, "Best segment in a long time" makes it feel like the rest suck.

Best segment in a long long long time - houseboat - 11-03-2008

freebeer Wrote:Comedian with an accent was "The Chinaman".

www.mesofunny.com I think

By the way, "Best segment in a long time" makes it feel like the rest suck.

I love you guys, you know that, It's just that that segment stood head and shoulders above some of the other ones recently.

Specifically hotwings going... "I'd kill myself.... he's not dead, is he?"

I think it also hit close to home because I work with a few homeschoolers, and the folks who called in definately remind me of those mental midgets.

Best segment in a long long long time - siggy778 - 11-03-2008

freebeer Wrote:Comedian with an accent was "The Chinaman".

www.mesofunny.com I think

By the way, "Best segment in a long time" makes it feel like the rest suck.

I'm pretty sure the comedian was just some white dude who happened to do a good crazy Chinese woman accent.

Best segment in a long long long time - mayorofawesometown - 11-04-2008

freebeer Wrote:By the way, "Best segment in a long time" makes it feel like the rest suck.

They do.

Best segment in a long long long time - patfromportland - 11-04-2008

mayorofawesometown Wrote:
freebeer Wrote:By the way, "Best segment in a long time" makes it feel like the rest suck.

They do.

Whoa. That better be sarcasm. :-[

Best segment in a long long long time - katmama - 11-04-2008

a segment that just about killed me was the Can't Wait to Talk About Blank with Turkey Hunter Pete on 10-07-08. I'm not usually a fan of the CWTTAB segments, but I've listened to that one over and over and it still leaves me nearly crying with laughter!

Best segment in a long long long time - fetusfacedwindbag - 11-04-2008

freebeer Wrote:Comedian with an accent was "The Chinaman".

www.mesofunny.com I think

By the way, "Best segment in a long time" makes it feel like the rest suck.

Freebeer = the hurt feelings boy in gradeschool.

*drop* Whaa! I'm sad about stuff!

Best segment in a long long long time - bigdaddy - 11-07-2008

attack adds were the greatest!!

Best segment in a long long long time - joshm - 11-08-2008

I'm not a pod caster, and my wife missed it - so hopefully we'll hear it on best of...
but the funniest segment that I ever heard from them was Fri 11/07/08 - had to be around 9-9:30am - they were talking about some 'side taker' website that I can't seem to locate - I had to pull my work van over and finish the segment because I dang near wrecked it while searching for a customer out in BFE.

Can anybody point me towards that web site? - JM.

Best segment in a long long long time - Biff - 11-09-2008

joshm Wrote:I'm not a pod caster, and my wife missed it - so hopefully we'll hear it on best of...
but the funniest segment that I ever heard from them was Fri 11/07/08 - had to be around 9-9:30am - they were talking about some 'side taker' website that I can't seem to locate - I had to pull my work van over and finish the segment because I dang near wrecked it while searching for a customer out in BFE.

Can anybody point me towards that web site? - JM.
