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A great fundraising idea - Printable Version

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A great fundraising idea - siggy778 - 11-02-2008

Someone brought this up and I'm not sure who it was but I think it'd be great if somehow the listeners could have the ability to purchase the audio files from pop-off soundboard. It's by far one of the best aspects of the show and it never gets old.

Perhaps they could put it all on CD's which could be uploaded to everyone's iTunes. You could sell those bad boys from $10-15 a shot just like the calendar. I guarantee you they would sell well. The only problem would be people burning copies for each other.

I might be way off base on this whole thing but it's just a thought.

A great fundraising idea - Biff - 11-03-2008

The only problem is that a good majority of those sounds are copyrighted and couldn't be sold.

A great fundraising idea - burnking - 11-03-2008

Unless he meant that the show put them together. Even then, that's a lot of work, and they generally don't like doing a lot of work.

A great fundraising idea - khef - 11-03-2008

Milton could research every and all sound drops for a list. Then Kurt Busch could record it, and sell them on E-bay. Or add reggae music and sell on "Rebay".

A great fundraising idea - 0rz0ski - 11-03-2008

How about Zane sells his scooter?

A great fundraising idea - mudroomdonna - 11-03-2008

0rz0ski Wrote:How about Zane sells his scooter?

And the old man sweater. I'm sure there's some wealthy old guy out there who needs a sweater with buttons as large as dinner plates.

A great fundraising idea - Rock Monster - 11-03-2008

How about Producer Joe Dollar Coin Gauntlet? Just like the other ones he has ran, but listeners are only allowed to throw the new dollar coins that the gov't is pushing so much.