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Medical Marijuana - Printable Version

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Medical Marijuana - Titan! - 11-05-2008

I wonder if my arthritis will eventually qualify me for a some Mary Jane ?

Medical Marijuana - Biff - 11-05-2008

It's probably the closest you'll come to having your lips on something with a female name.

Medical Marijuana - mainerliser - 11-05-2008

Quick Biff!!

Medical Marijuana - Titan! - 11-05-2008

Admin Wrote:It's probably the closest you'll come to having your lips on something with a female name.

Game Set and Match. 8-)

Speaking of the actual topic of this thread. I was in so much pain this summer, that I would have smoked, snorted, shot, drank or swallowed anything if it made the pain go away. If medical weed is available, I will probably give it a try if the pain gets that bad again and it's available.

Medical Marijuana - hotzester - 11-07-2008

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't all of this state-to-state legislation rather meaningless, since federal drug laws preclude the local laws? So even if a state permits medical marijuana, you still can't really get a script for it, as you'd still be in violation of federal statute?

Medical Marijuana - zetsyuk - 11-07-2008

I think it'd be great for people with chronic (no pun intended) back pain and things of the like. I mean frick, it's better than sticking a morphine pump into a person's body.

alcohol and marijuana laws should be reversed IMO. You never hear "Michigan man kills family of four in marijuana related accident".

Also titan, I hear you on that arthritis gripe. I'm in the same boat. That shit hurts all day all night year round.

Medical Marijuana - agentsmith - 11-09-2008

hotzester Wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't all of this state-to-state legislation rather meaningless, since federal drug laws preclude the local laws? So even if a state permits medical marijuana, you still can't really get a script for it, as you'd still be in violation of federal statute?
Yes and no. If a federal officer searches you, yes you can still get into trouble with a perscription. But only if it is a fed. A state cop or marshal will not be able to do a thing

Medical Marijuana - xthexlanternx - 11-13-2008

From friends I know in California, medical marijuana is pretty easy to get a prescription for if you go to the right doctor. I don't know how it will be in Michigan but in my opinion it should be legalized anyways. I'd probably never drink another beer or smoke another cigarette in my life if I could smoke weed without fear of getting caught.