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Favorite Candybar - Printable Version

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Favorite Candybar - Howie Feltersnatch - 11-05-2008

I'm eating a Hershey bar right now but my all time fav is a tie between Hershey Cookies and Cream and Butterfinger.

what's yours?

Favorite Candybar - airhornahole - 11-05-2008

100 Grand bar

Favorite Candybar - drunkenmom - 11-05-2008

Twix bitches Tongue

Favorite Candybar - sunshyne - 11-05-2008

I like reese's peanut butter cups (I know, not really a bar per sey). If i had to choose a candy BAR, it would definately be a Nutrageous. Snickers would come in a close second though.

Favorite Candybar - Rock Monster - 11-05-2008

Take 5 is good, but probably Carmello is my all time fave

Favorite Candybar - Queenie - 11-05-2008

I don't eat candy bars much anymore, but when I did, payday was my favorite and behind that would have been almond joy.

Favorite Candybar - Howie Feltersnatch - 11-05-2008

sunshyne Wrote:I like reese's peanut butter cups (I know, not really a bar per sey). If i had to choose a candy BAR, it would definately be a Nutrageous. Snickers would come in a close second though.

Reeses counts.

It's really hard now that I think about it to pick just one...I have a bad sweet tooth (opens drawer full of nerds, sweet tarts and hersheys)

Reeses and PB Twix rank high with me as well...i like peanut butter candies...

Favorite Candybar - sunshyne - 11-05-2008

Mmm I love nerds

Favorite Candybar - Queenie - 11-05-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:Reeses counts.

It's really hard now that I think about it to pick just one...I have a bad sweet tooth (opens drawer full of nerds, sweet tarts and hersheys)

Reeses and PB Twix rank high with me as well...i like peanut butter candies...

Now if we are going with just any candy, I do eat twizzlers (strawberry) quite often. I thought you were just talking about "candy bars."

[super troopers drop]CANDY BARS[/drop]

Favorite Candybar - sunshyne - 11-05-2008

I had Smarites for diner last night

Favorite Candybar - Queenie - 11-05-2008

sunshyne Wrote:Mmm I love nerds

Really? ???

Favorite Candybar - landmammaldolphin - 11-05-2008


Favorite Candybar - airhornahole - 11-05-2008

landmammaldolphin Wrote:Whatchamacallit


I totally forgot about that one.

Favorite Candybar - landmammaldolphin - 11-05-2008

I bought one at lunch because of this thread....mmmm...nummy!

Favorite Candybar - Allyson - 11-05-2008

Take 5s are really good and very hard to find.

Favorite Candybar - fistor!@# - 11-05-2008

Those new-ish S'mores bars are, as they say, the bees knees.

Favorite Candybar - fetusfacedwindbag - 11-05-2008

Reese's Cups, Kit Kat bar, Dark Chocolate anything, Whoppers, etc etc

Too many to choose from. I have to stear clear of candy for the most part because I get addicted, and I'll eat it until i get sick to my stomach!

Favorite Candybar - jerseygirl - 11-05-2008

Take 5...it's all the best parts of candy bars in one

Favorite Candybar - evangperry - 11-06-2008

Butterfinger. No doubt, give it the title.

Favorite Candybar - jaydethespaz - 11-06-2008

whatchyamacallit, and 3 muskateers

Favorite Candybar - sunshyne - 11-06-2008

Queenie Wrote:
sunshyne Wrote:Mmm I love nerds

Really? ???

Yep, and the candy is really good too!

Favorite Candybar - burnprince - 11-11-2008

Baby Ruth FTW!

Favorite Candybar - providencecrow - 11-11-2008

Best candy bar i ever had was one out of europe (you can find it in some import shops). It's called a Crunchy bar. Picture a butterfinger but with honey comb (as in the cereal) on the inside. Oh man

Favorite Candybar - fetusfacedwindbag - 11-11-2008

providencecrow Wrote:Best candy bar i ever had was one out of europe (you can find it in some import shops). It's called a Crunchy bar. Picture a butterfinger but with honey comb (as in the cereal) on the inside. Oh man

Was it in the UK?

I think they sell that in the UK section at my Kroger's.... They also have one that has these ....i dunno... for lack of a better description....carbonated bubbles in it. It's pretty good too.

Favorite Candybar - providencecrow - 11-11-2008

fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:
providencecrow Wrote:Best candy bar i ever had was one out of europe (you can find it in some import shops). It's called a Crunchy bar. Picture a butterfinger but with honey comb (as in the cereal) on the inside. Oh man

Was it in the UK?

I think they sell that in the UK section at my Kroger's.... They also have one that has these ....i dunno... for lack of a better description....carbonated bubbles in it. It's pretty good too.

Technically it was in Germany, but yes its a UK candy. I believe made by the Cadbury's . If they have some other UK stuff you may want to check out Curly Wurlys as well

Favorite Candybar - peachs - 11-13-2008

I love candybars.... its too difficult for me to pick just one...

Cadbury makes a candybar called Lion Bar.. Its the best.... EVER

whatchamacallits are yummy though.. haven't had one in forever...

Favorite Candybar - chlietoris63 - 11-14-2008

Payday first, Almond Joy next.. Hershey Special Dark chocolate...uuummmmmm... ;D

Favorite Candybar - potthole - 11-14-2008

3 Musketeers.

drunkenmom Wrote:Twix bitches Tongue

Never heard of the "bitches" flavor. :Smile

Favorite Candybar - fetusfacedwindbag - 11-14-2008

potthole Wrote:3 Musketeers.

drunkenmom Wrote:Twix bitches Tongue

Never heard of the "bitches" flavor. :Smile

You haven't? They cuss you out as you eat them. It's probably the most fun candy bar to eat... It's a Harry Potter special.

Favorite Candybar - Biff - 11-14-2008

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup or Butterfinger.

I like peanut butter.

Favorite Candybar - Rock Monster - 11-14-2008

potthole Wrote:3 Musketeers.

drunkenmom Wrote:Twix bitches Tongue

Never heard of the "bitches" flavor. :Smile

It's a little fishy...

Favorite Candybar - chlietoris63 - 11-14-2008

Rock Monster Wrote:
potthole Wrote:3 Musketeers.

Never heard of the "bitches" flavor. :Smile

It's a little fishy...

I bow to you this time!! Loved this response!!

Favorite Candybar - potthole - 11-14-2008

Rock Monster Wrote:
potthole Wrote:3 Musketeers.

Never heard of the "bitches" flavor. :Smile

It's a little fishy...


I owe you a +1.

Favorite Candybar - linzi - 11-15-2008

Never heard of the "bitches" flavor. :Smile[/quote]

It's a little fishy...[/quote]

nice. 8-) I personally enjoy a milky way when the chocolate craving hits. I do enjoy chewy sprees for my candy fix.

Favorite Candybar - Torque - 11-15-2008

100 Grand, hands down. As for Take 5's, I'm not a fan but my aunt drives a delivery truck of them and sends me CASES of the things that I then have to give away. Next time it happens I'll let you guys know and you can have at 'em.

Favorite Candybar - plumpenut - 11-17-2008

love the hundred grand but its gotta be a snickers

Favorite Candybar - Mad Dog - 11-17-2008

Queenie Wrote:
sunshyne Wrote:Mmm I love nerds

Really? ???

Maybe you and Dr.Stupid could hook up? :-X

Favorite Candybar - shawnp - 11-24-2008


Favorite Candybar - Howie Feltersnatch - 11-24-2008

eating twix right now....had snickers for breakfast

Favorite Candybar - Rock Monster - 11-24-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:eating twix right now....had snickers for breakfast

So what you're saying is that you're one of those health food junkies, right?