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Worst Invention Ever - Printable Version

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Worst Invention Ever - scooterfanatic - 11-14-2008


Tired of running through your neighborhood for free? Why not buy a gigantic, heavy, human-powered mobile treadmill to do the same job?

Worst Invention Ever - Biff - 11-14-2008

I don't know. It looks like it is a very hard resistance and will eliminate the uneven and hard surfaces that could cause havoc on ankles, calves, knees, and backs.

I don't run outside because of the damage the surfaces do to my body.

Worst Invention Ever - scooterfanatic - 11-14-2008

I would think they'd pitch that aspect in the video. Instead, they show it on nicely-paved roads. Besides, if you were concerned about the ankles, calves, knees, and back, wouldn't a bicycle solve that problem?