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Titan!!!! - Printable Version

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Titan!!!! - mainerliser - 11-15-2008

Titan.....I miss you!!!!!! Stop working and come back to play with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

Titan!!!! - Mad Dog - 11-15-2008


Titan!!!! - jaydethespaz - 11-15-2008

You know i have missed him.....just a little bit tho Wink

Titan!!!! - fustercluck - 11-15-2008

Come back little buddy.

Titan!!!! - burnking - 11-17-2008

FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:Come back little buddy.

I don't think that treating him like Gilligan is very encouraging.

Titan!!!! - potthole - 11-17-2008

Yeah, I can't smite you as easily if I don't see posts by you! Wink

Titan!!!! - imatoolhed - 11-25-2008

i'm thinking about getting metal legs, its a risky operation but i think it'll be worth it