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Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - Printable Version

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Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - blakjustn3 - 11-17-2008

So who bagged a deer this weekend?

Upload pics of your huge racks whether it be of a deer or otherwise if you know what I mean!

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - Howie Feltersnatch - 11-17-2008

My father in law has some acerage and a giant walk in cooler for hanging deer. Right now there are a ten point, couple 8's and couple 6's

none are mine Sad

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - airhornahole - 11-17-2008

I don't hunt but I saw a big doe tied down on the trunk of a beautiful white lincoln towncar yesterday. The best was the blood running down the back of it. I was laughing my ass off.

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - linzi - 11-17-2008

wow. That is the ultimate closet red-neck.
Wonder if they were thinking "we can't leave this beauty on the side of the road! Know what we're having for dinner!"

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - vassillios - 11-17-2008

hunting season opens here in mid October. so far i bagged a 120lb spike, during muzzeloading season, and a 160 lb spike during rifle. both out of my back woods, practically in the same spot. i'm still looking for the big racker, and there's plenty of time left to find him.

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - blakjustn3 - 11-18-2008

HAHA deer with blood running down the back of a Lincoln Town Car...love it...

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - khef - 11-18-2008

Yeah I got my 8 point buck once with a subaru. 1300 dollars damge, no insurance claim, kept the deer.

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - landmammaldolphin - 11-18-2008

I developed a bad case of bronchitis and missed opening weekend. I hope to get out this weekend and over Thanksgiving. If I get one I'll post a pic.

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - blakjustn3 - 11-18-2008

Yea I bet it would be hard to get a deer while you are coughing up a lung out in the woods, although maybe they will think its a buck grunting or something?

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - vsangelchick - 11-18-2008

My hubby got a big fork on opening day....mmmm....venison!

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - vassillios - 11-19-2008

vsangelchick Wrote:My hubby got a big fork on opening day....mmmm....venison!

+1 for a chick that likes venison!

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - vsangelchick - 11-19-2008

I grew up watching my dad and uncle processing their deer in the garage....I'd sit and watch for as long as I could before mom dragged me back inside the house. venison stew, venison swiss steak, jerky, sausage....mmmm....can't wait till it gets here.

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - vassillios - 11-19-2008

hmm, never tried venison swiss steak, do you have a recipe?

i just got done grinding up a bunch of sausage, and it turned out great. if i get another deer, i'm gonna make jerky out of most of it.

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - vsangelchick - 11-19-2008

recipe?? who needs recipes....I learned from my mom and grandma.....

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - landmammaldolphin - 11-19-2008

My wife hates beef for the most part, but she loves venison. She is actually just as bummed as I am about me not hunting last weekend. She also helps me process my deer and does my grinding and vacuum sealing for me. She's the best!

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - scooterfanatic - 11-19-2008

Khef Wrote:Yeah I got my 8 point buck once with a subaru. 1300 dollars damge, no insurance claim, kept the deer.

So how does bruised venison stewed in ruptured organ slime taste? Smile

Rifle Hunting Opening Weekend - Queenie - 11-19-2008

I haven't got one this year (*knocking on wood), but in the past 15 or so years, I have had hit 11 with my vehicles (technically, they hit me). One even tried to come through my driver door window. Good thing she was so big! She did almost break my shoulder and I had glass for days in my head, shoulder, back and legs.