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Black Friday - Queenie - 11-26-2008

I, for one, do not participate in this mania. I never have, but I won't say I never will. I was just wondering if anybody had a crazy story about their experience.

Black Friday - Allyson - 11-26-2008

I used to go every Black Friday with my mom. This year I'll be working Friday but I made plans to go shopping over the weekend with my boyfriend's sister. I'd rather stay away from the mania myself but she hates me and I have to periodically try to make her like me.

Black Friday - 0rz0ski - 11-26-2008

Two years ago, we had a trampling at a Wal-Mart in Grand Rapids. It made national news. Go us...

Black Friday - fetusfacedwindbag - 11-26-2008

I don't, but my mom does. When I was a baby, she had to fight for a cabbage patch doll for me..... I was too young to know what the HELL a cabbage patch doll was, but it's still around... I sleep with it every night.....


Black Friday - Queenie - 11-26-2008

fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:I don't, but my mom does. When I was a baby, she had to fight for a cabbage patch doll for me..... I was too young to know what the HELL a cabbage patch doll was, but it's still around... I sleep with it every night.....


Seriously, I remember when that craze was going on. Thank goodness my girl came later. Of course, I do remember searching forever for an Amazing Ally doll that interacted with it's "owner." It knew when it had the right shoes for an outfit, etc. Of course, it was sort of educational. Now my daughter is always color-coordinated!!

Black Friday - fetusfacedwindbag - 11-26-2008

Queenie Wrote:
fetusfacedwindbag Wrote:I don't, but my mom does. When I was a baby, she had to fight for a cabbage patch doll for me..... I was too young to know what the HELL a cabbage patch doll was, but it's still around... I sleep with it every night.....


Seriously, I remember when that craze was going on. Thank goodness my girl came later. Of course, I do remember searching forever for an Amazing Ally doll that interacted with it's "owner." It knew when it had the right shoes for an outfit, etc. Of course, it was sort of educational. Now my daughter is always color-coordinated!!

The worst craze that I ever had to endure was the Bratz thing for my little sister. I didn't have to fight for anything, but one year we lucked up on this huge Bratz playset for her. She loved it.

I never really understood the tickle me Elmo craze either.

Black Friday - peachs - 11-26-2008

I think we're going out with a bunch of navy ppl... not sure what stores we're hittin, I do know that my Spencer's is opening at 6 am... I've got to work from like 2 to midnight ish.... blehhhhh

Black Friday - landmammaldolphin - 11-26-2008

Everyone is heading into town on Friday morning...I'll be heading out of town to my treestand for a day of deer hunting fun. If I have a drop a few bucks, so be it. (Wawa)

Black Friday - fustercluck - 11-26-2008

My dad was a Kmart manager for 35 years before he retired. I used to always go to his store on Black Friday to watch him open the doors from the inside. I always got to shop before the store opened too. (got all the good deals that way) What a rush watching thousands of people try to rush in a get the cheap stuff.

Black Friday - vsangelchick - 11-26-2008

I"m opening our store on Friday....6 am. In my last 3 years, I've seen women rip gift sets out of each others' hands before even asking if there were more. I have also had people knocking on our security gate asking when we open (it's posted on a sign right outside our store), and people try to get in when I open the gate for some of our associates coming in to open. It's really rediculous...but if you get a rush....whatever, I'll be sick of people and ready to hermit myself friday at 3 when I'm out of work.

Black Friday - fustercluck - 11-26-2008

I don't go anymore, but a few years ago we braved Best Buy for a scanner. Of course by the time we went in they were gone, but I still got one. Some lady had 3 in her cart. She turned her back and then only had 2. Go figure!

Black Friday - imatoolhed - 11-26-2008

landmammaldolphin Wrote:Everyone is heading into town on Friday morning...I'll be heading out of town to my treestand for a day of deer hunting fun. If I have a drop a few bucks, so be it. (Wawa)

now that sounds like a good day

Black Friday - providencecrow - 11-26-2008

I worked at a best buy during black friday. A crazy woman in dire need of a laptop pulled a knife on me, that was awesome.

Black Friday - moobsminger - 11-26-2008

Awwww, eff that! No great stories like the one above, but I wanted to bitch about Black Friday. Last year, I thought "hey, stay up all night (which I do anyway) to save a few hundred bucks on a laptop, good deal." However, he seems I'm not the only one who can reason, so by the time I showed up at Best Buy in the middle of the night, there were already a couple hundred people. I stuck around anyway for whatever reason and left empty handed by 6:30.

I don't want to be around people who can't act civilized in public anyway.

Black Friday - khef - 11-27-2008


Black Friday - linzi - 11-27-2008

Yep I shop like a mad woman on Friday. It's a family tradition.
My aunt wanted a pre-lit tree from Walmart and there was a long ass line in the garden center to get to them so I held my pregnant belly like I was in pain and my cousin pushed the buggy and we cut in front of a bunch of people......I know, I know, that's awful......but we got our tree....there was only 6 or 7 left on the pallet by the time we got there.

I drove by the Circuit City last year and the line was wrapped all the way around the building. I would never wait in a line that long but I am going to try to get a digital camera this year so wish me luck!!!!!

If you have a large extended family like mine then you can't beat the prices...it's worth it to go, especially the toys. I like Penny's or Kohl's for their clothes. I stay gone all day long LOVE IT!!!!!

Black Friday - kate - 11-27-2008

I work at Macys and it's going to be crazy this black friday! Also, my sister works at Meijer and its supposed to be absolute mania there.

Black Friday - fustercluck - 11-27-2008

I drove by the Best Buy on Alpine at 7:00 tonight. About 20 tents and 80 people in line. They even had a porta-potty. I didnt' think the ad was that good.

Black Friday - linzi - 11-27-2008

What the hell is on sale there? I'm not THAT crazy............really? A porta-potty?!?!

I never shop there so I don't know what's on sale.

Black Friday - khef - 11-27-2008

Our mall has a big shindig started at 9pm to midnight before the mall opens, with free food and music for the midnight opening, God I love online shopping.

Black Friday - raudy - 11-27-2008

i think theres a 60" tv at bestbuy for under $1000. thats one of the things that stuck out at me

Black Friday - Allyson - 11-28-2008

I have given in and decided to go shopping after work. There are new outlets that just opened by me so they are having holidays sales + grand opening sales so it should be good. I have all my coupons and sales ads and a map and a listing of stores, so I am all set to get in there and kick some ass.

Black Friday - Queenie - 11-28-2008

Allyson Wrote:I have given in and decided to go shopping after work. There are new outlets that just opened by me so they are having holidays sales + grand opening sales so it should be good. I have all my coupons and sales ads and a map and a listing of stores, so I am all set to get in there and kick some ass.

Are you working today?

Black Friday - Allyson - 11-28-2008

I am indeed. Can you believe federal employees don't have Black Friday off? Outrageous.

Black Friday - Queenie - 11-28-2008

That's what I was thinking. You guys usually get every holiday or even semi-holiday off. Not that is bothers me, I was just stunned about your post!! Have fun shopping, and do a little for me. My ars is staying inside and doing nothing today (okay, i'll probably clean, but that doesn't go a very long way with 67 kids in the house!!).

yes i am including plungee in that number

Black Friday - Allyson - 11-28-2008

Queenie Wrote:That's what I was thinking. You guys usually get every holiday or even semi-holiday off. Not that is bothers me, I was just stunned about your post!! Have fun shopping, and do a little for me. My ars is staying inside and doing nothing today (okay, i'll probably clean, but that doesn't go a very long way with 67 kids in the house!!).

yes i am including plungee in that number

But we did just get word of 1 hour early release so at least that's a little something. :-X

Black Friday - Queenie - 11-28-2008

Allyson Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:That's what I was thinking. You guys usually get every holiday or even semi-holiday off. Not that is bothers me, I was just stunned about your post!! Have fun shopping, and do a little for me. My ars is staying inside and doing nothing today (okay, i'll probably clean, but that doesn't go a very long way with 67 kids in the house!!).

yes i am including plungee in that number

But we did just get word of 1 hour early release so at least that's a little something. :-X

Hey that's better than a poke in the eye!! Tongue

Happy Shopping!!!

Black Friday - linzi - 11-28-2008

I got everything on my list and still made it home by lunchtime. 8-)

Nothing exciting happened but Wednesday I was in Walmart and there was an elderly woman who had fallen on the way out. Another customer, who happened to be a nurse, was helping her out by keeping her still and calm until the ambulance got there.

Black Friday - Allyson - 11-29-2008

I got some awesome deals. I went to the Izod outlet and got a ton of crap for my boyfriend - everything in the store was 50% off then an additional 30%!!

I went with my friend and her newborn so everyone was nice to us. I'll have to remember to use that resource again in the future.

Black Friday - imatoolhed - 11-29-2008

Wal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death

Black Friday - linzi - 11-29-2008

Only in America.

Black Friday - lokizilla - 11-29-2008

They were awful yesterday to the insurance call center.. Yelling that they wanted us to change the color of their replacement phone. Called me nasty cause I couldn't change the fact she broke a gray phone, and had to give her the same color back.

Black Friday - lokizilla - 11-29-2008

your momma Wrote:Only in America.

Canada has boxing day. It's the equivalent of Black Friday. They told me it gets back there.

Black Friday - Queenie - 11-29-2008

lokizilla Wrote:They were awful yesterday to the insurance call center.. Yelling that they wanted us to change the color of their replacement phone. Called me nasty cause I couldn't change the fact she broke a gray phone, and had to give her the same color back.

You tell those no-life mfers to get a effin clue, and that you do not exist solely for the purpose that they have someone to bitch and whine to when they eff up their effin phone.

Make sure you end the call with "Have a Blessed Day!!"

Black Friday - Mad Dog - 11-29-2008

imatoolhed Wrote:Wal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death

I hope saving an extra ten bucks on socks was worth a life to those mingers. I guess thats why they call it "Black Friday" trample and employee and step on his dead body to get at that sale!!

Black Friday - linzi - 11-29-2008

I didn't buy socks but I did buy a shit-load of toys and finished up my girls Christmas already. When you've got 4 people and a dog living on 1 income, you do what you have to do. Tongue

Black Friday - Mad Dog - 11-30-2008

I'm not talking about everyone that went shopping friday, just the A-holes that stampeded there way through Wall mart

Black Friday - linzi - 11-30-2008

sorry. . .being around my family all weekend puts me on the defensive end. I kinda blew a gasket on the public vs home-school kids thread too. I'm gonna go take my meds now. .

Black Friday - shawnp - 11-30-2008

Black Friday is a JOKE. A bunch of idiots trying to save a few bucks on non-sense items.

Black Friday - professorpinasheep - 12-01-2008

My brother-in-law went to stand in line at a Circuit City at about 1am for a Wii when they were first released. Unfortunately, he'd had quite a bit of turkey, stuffing, and all the other Thanksgiving goodies. Also unfortunately, there was no port-o-potty put out there by sympathetic store management. However, the Circuit City was located right next to one of those big box home improvement stores... who happened to have pre-fabbed sheds built for a display in their parking lot. I'm not sure what he did for tp, and I'm not sure if I want to know, but I think we can all figure out where he went to drop the kids off at the pool.