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Worst Stunt Failure Poll - Printable Version

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Worst Stunt Failure Poll - moobsminger - 12-03-2008

Go ahead and pick one. Remember, I'm looking for ones that failed on the radio, whether or not there was good video.

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - moobsminger - 12-03-2008

I personally picked the Worlds Hottest Pepper Taste Test because they're was so much buildup. He was supposed to die, so when they weren't even hot...

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - -Jiggy- - 12-03-2008

I picked human pinata because I actually had the day off work that day and was heading down there to take part but unfortunately I was a little late and they were done. So to me that was the biggest failure.

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - evangperry - 12-04-2008

Jiggy Wrote:I picked human pinata because I actually had the day off work that day and was heading down there to take part but unfortunately I was a little late and they were done. So to me that was the biggest failure.

They didn't fail.
You did.

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - chlietoris63 - 12-04-2008

Snake Coffin was lame!! Sure, Joe cried and sniveled a bit, but the audio was awful!!! Video was better, but still, what is a stunt without Joe writhing, crying and maybe even peeing hinself just a tad? eecchh...He held on to his sensibilities FAR too long in this stunt.

( I loved Ipecac Burger(old, I know) and Tequila shot !) Joe is exciting when he makes those primal sounds!!! Then again, I love the sound of men in pain!!

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - gianna439 - 12-04-2008

I just picked the raz challenge cuz it was just plain boring

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - iwantjoe - 12-05-2008

I picked the bat stunt.

Hello - no bats?! WTF?

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - Mark the Valet - 12-06-2008

I also picked bat wrangler.

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - linzi - 12-10-2008

the birds. epic FAIL. the puppies couldn't even save this one.

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - moobsminger - 03-19-2009

Got a new one, don't we! Too bad I can't add it to the poll.

Worst Stunt Failure Poll - mayorofawesometown - 04-03-2009

Chloraseptic isn't getting the votes it deserves and I think that's because it's so old that a lot of people don't remember it. Just think of the very concept of the stunt. How in God's name did ANYONE on that show think that gargling chloraseptic was going to be a good idea for a stunt? I know it was early so they were just getting their toes wet but come on. At least all of the other stunts had potential on paper. This one was lame from formation.

Re: Worst Stunt Failure Poll - upperdeckercourt - 04-21-2009

I vote racquetball dodgeball. Never rely on listeners to bring the thunder.