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Who/What were you named after - Printable Version

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Who/What were you named after - Howie Feltersnatch - 12-17-2008

I was named after John Wayne's son

My wife was almost named Elizabeth, her mom insisted on Amy instead so her dad picked Elizabeth for a middle name (he still calls her 'Liz' to this day) - Elizabeth was his favorite hunting dog, My mother in law found out the truth of 'Liz' when my wife was like 2

My son was named after a Bruce Willis movie character

Who/What were you named after - 0rz0ski - 12-17-2008

My middle name, Ann, was chosen because of my dad's aunt, "Auntie Ann." They found out after she died that her real name wasn't Ann, she just liked "Ann" better.

Who/What were you named after - dingdongyo - 12-17-2008

i was named after a kid my oldest brother went to school with that always had a kool aid mustache.

Who/What were you named after - Howie Feltersnatch - 12-17-2008

My middle name is taken from my Mother's Dad's first name
My brothers middle name is taken from my Dad's Dad's first name

Who/What were you named after - lokizilla - 12-17-2008

My name came because of a dream. The doctors told my parents I had a strong heartbeat so I had to be a boy. Three nights before I was born, my Dad had a messed up dream and went on a hunt for a girl name. Diana comes from the moon goddess, and Lynn....well my Mom's friends name..Dad didn't want to give me a middle name, so Mom slipped it in.

Who/What were you named after - landmammaldolphin - 12-17-2008

My first name is my Maternal Grandfather's name and my middle name is my Maternal Great-Grandfather's name.

Who/What were you named after - sunshyne - 12-17-2008

My grandmother's name was Janet, my aunt's name is Jan. My mom wanted to name me something similar yet different. She was working at an insurance company while pregnant with me, and one of her clients was a little old black lady named Janna. My mom really liked the name and the way it was spelled, and asked the lady if she could name me after her. The little old lady was thrilled because she had no grandaughters, and was glad that my mom would want to name me after her. So my name was then Janna.

Who/What were you named after - Queenie - 12-17-2008

My sister was named after my father's sister Marie. My oldest brother was named after my father Dean. My other brother was named after my mother's brother Patrick. I have no idea who I was named after. Maybe they got tired of trying to figure out which side to name me after and decided on neither. I'm a misfit. Sad

Who/What were you named after - sunshyne - 12-17-2008

no no, you're special

Who/What were you named after - Rock Monster - 12-17-2008

sunshyne Wrote:no no, you're special

no, she's "special"

Who/What were you named after - chevsscamaro67 - 12-17-2008

I am the fifth generation of my name.

Who/What were you named after - plungerhand - 12-17-2008

no I"M special, my mommy told me so, and I rode the short bus...

Who/What were you named after - plungerhand - 12-17-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I was named after John Wayne's son

My wife was almost named Elizabeth, her mom insisted on Amy instead so her dad picked Elizabeth for a middle name (he still calls her 'Liz' to this day) - Elizabeth was his favorite hunting dog, My mother in law found out the truth of 'Liz' when my wife was like 2

My son was named after a Bruce Willis movie character

you named your kid Hudson Hawk? that's just cruel

Who/What were you named after - Howie Feltersnatch - 12-17-2008

jus' P Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I was named after John Wayne's son

My wife was almost named Elizabeth, her mom insisted on Amy instead so her dad picked Elizabeth for a middle name (he still calls her 'Liz' to this day) - Elizabeth was his favorite hunting dog, My mother in law found out the truth of 'Liz' when my wife was like 2

My son was named after a Bruce Willis movie character

you named your kid Hudson Hawk? that's just cruel

John McCLane

Who/What were you named after - Rock Monster - 12-17-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:you named your kid Hudson Hawk? that's just cruel

John McCLane

I like Hartigan (from Sin City)

Who/What were you named after - boizalynne - 12-17-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:My middle name is taken from my Mother's Dad's first name
My brothers middle name is taken from my Dad's Dad's first name
What is Poopies middle name? I guess I never really knew....

Who/What were you named after - boizalynne - 12-17-2008

I am named after the plantation on Gone With The Wind... I know... Gay...

My Hubby was named after both of his grandfathers... first name, maternal grandfather.... second name, paternal grandfather... He hates it...

Who/What were you named after - boizalynne - 12-17-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I was named after John Wayne's son

My son was named after a Bruce Willis movie character
That movie is awesome...

doesn't Amy have a weird love for Bruce Willis?

Who/What were you named after - Howie Feltersnatch - 12-17-2008

boizalynne Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I was named after John Wayne's son

My son was named after a Bruce Willis movie character
That movie is awesome...

doesn't Amy have a weird love for Bruce Willis?

yah, I wondered if I'd have the same appeal with a bald head...but it's lumpy and scarred up so probably not.

Who/What were you named after - boizalynne - 12-17-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:That movie is awesome...

doesn't Amy have a weird love for Bruce Willis?

yah, I wondered if I'd have the same appeal with a bald head...but it's lumpy and scarred up so probably not.

Lumpy and scarred huh.... Just one of the many side effects from being repeatedly dropped as a child....

Who/What were you named after - -Jiggy- - 12-17-2008

Alot of people think i'm named after a book of the Bible. My dad was a product of the 60's and 70's and loved Three Dog Night. Forever I have to hear, "Heyyyy Jeremiah was a bullfrog!" Yeah, yeah he was....good one!!

Who/What were you named after - buffy - 12-17-2008

I was named after my Great-Great-Grandmother from Ireland.

Who/What were you named after - Allyson - 12-17-2008

My mom always liked the name Allison but my dad thought that was too Irish so Allyson it was.

Who/What were you named after - Queenie - 12-17-2008

Allyson Wrote:My mom always liked the name Allison but my dad thought that was too Irish so Allyson it was.

Because of the spelling, did you ever get called Ally?

Who/What were you named after - Allyson - 12-17-2008

Queenie Wrote:
Allyson Wrote:My mom always liked the name Allison but my dad thought that was too Irish so Allyson it was.

Because of the spelling, did you ever get called Ally?

I wouldn't let people call me Ally because I went to gymnastics with a girl named Allie and she was fat and had visible holes in her teeth and it grossed me out. Al is ok though. Or my last name.

Who/What were you named after - Queenie - 12-17-2008

Allyson Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Because of the spelling, did you ever get called Ally?

I wouldn't let people call me Ally because I went to gymnastics with a girl named Allie and she was fat and had visible holes in her teeth and it grossed me out. Al is ok though. Or my last name.

I like Allyson . . . I was just wondering.

Who/What were you named after - dino - 12-17-2008

My middle name is my dad's and grand fathers first name. My dad didn't think I'd like being a "III".

Who/What were you named after - beckyp - 12-17-2008

my middle name is my grandma's first name.

Who/What were you named after - burnking - 12-17-2008

My middle name is given to the first son, so I have it, as does my father, grandfather, etc.

Who/What were you named after - Biff - 12-17-2008

Allyson Wrote:Or my last name.


Who/What were you named after - Allyson - 12-17-2008

Admin Wrote:
Allyson Wrote:Or my last name.


No, Urabich. My middle name is Thinks.

Who/What were you named after - krystal - 12-19-2008

My middle name is my mom's middle name.
My sister's middle name is my paternal grandmother's middle name (with different spelling) and her first name is my maternal grandmother's middle name.
My older brother's first name is the same as my father's and his middle name is my uncle's first name.
My younger brother's middle name is the same as my father's and paternal grandfather's middle name.

I don't know why they did that to us.

Who/What were you named after - linzi - 12-19-2008

My dad's name is Joe. My grandfather wanted me called Josephine and my parents wanted Lindsey but mom decided to spell it how it sounds...Linzi, and they threw in Jo for a middle name to compromise so it's like Mary-Ann but Linzi-Jo....I cannot stand it. I only go by Linzi or mom.
My oldest daughter's name is Alyson Elisabeth and then there's Kaitlyn Paige but everyone calls her KatieBell...I don't even know where they got that from. She even introduces herself that way. I did not name them after anyone...I just liked those names. Smile