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Vote for Jetman - Printable Version

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Vote for Jetman - killerb - 12-25-2008

I watched all of the other videos......It was a complete waste of time, those people sucked ass. I want those minutes of my life back, seriously it made me want to punch my own penis.

Vote for Jetman, he's less retarted than the others.

Vote for Jetman - zetsyuk - 12-25-2008

vote for a jets fan regardless, they've payed their suffrage dues.

Vote for Jetman - imatoolhed - 12-25-2008

killerb Wrote:seriously it made me want to punch my own penis.


Vote for Jetman - potthole - 12-26-2008

imatoolhed Wrote:lol

This was a post well made. :'(

Vote for Jetman - moobsminger - 12-26-2008

I feel like if we don't get Jet Man to the superbowl, we as the FBHW community have failed.

Vote for Jetman - linzi - 12-26-2008

I was super bored one morning so I just kept on voting and voting for him.....
gotta funny feeling he's gonna win........
All the other mingers don't stand a chance.

Vote for Jetman - hussywoman - 01-11-2009

do we know when we'll hear the results?

Vote for Jetman - mayorofawesometown - 01-12-2009

They said today that Jetman told them that he lost. We don't know who won.

Vote for Jetman - linzi - 01-13-2009

What the funk? It was fixed!!!! His was the best one, no matter how cheesy it was. Definitely call bullshit on this! Undecided