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New Year's Resolution - Printable Version

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New Year's Resolution - dolph - 12-31-2008

I'm going to stop being sarcastic.

F, that.

No more energy drinks.

New Year's Resolution - Queenie - 12-31-2008

I'm going to start being a smartass and mean like so many others on the board.

as if . . .

New Year's Resolution - shawnp - 12-31-2008

I want to get back into playing tournament softball.

New Year's Resolution - providencecrow - 01-01-2009

I don't make resolutions, this way i don't end up disappointing myself when i undoubtedly don't keep them

New Year's Resolution - -Jiggy- - 01-01-2009

I will get in shape to start running marathons. I promise this year...

New Year's Resolution - plumpenut - 01-01-2009

Im gonna actually enter more 5k's.............maybe I will someday try a half marathon as well
also giving up pop again.....last year made it 5 months

New Year's Resolution - mainerliser - 01-01-2009

I'm going to make at least one vegetarian meal a week. See if we can work up to a healthier diet. The "in the middle of a divorce, stressed out eating ice cream" diet isn't working for me!

New Year's Resolution - fustercluck - 01-02-2009

I kept my 2008 resolution by drinking lots more water so I'm going to continue that one. Also want to stop wasting food. Only need to buy what we are going to eat and limit the leftovers.

I also want to start drinking more red wine

New Year's Resolution - -Jiggy- - 01-02-2009

Last year when I lost weight I kept a food journal. It sounds stupid but it actually keeps you accountable. It was hard adjusting to that because it's like homework to me. I found it works best if you have someone who will check it to see what you are eating. If your trying to lose weight and your journal is filled with junk food you feel like a douche, I guess that's why it works so well.

New Year's Resolution - linzi - 01-02-2009

Try to be less of a bitch than I was last year. By February that's all over though. Wink