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Burnking? - Printable Version

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Burnking? - fmcrowl - 01-05-2009

Why does Zane sometimes call FB Burnking? What is the history behind that nickname?

Burnking? - beckyp - 01-05-2009

he says devasting insults.

you might even call them "burns". ergo, Burnking.

Burnking? - burnking - 01-05-2009

Well that was a let down.

Burnking? - bigdaddy - 01-05-2009

it was playground lore... none of the kids wanted to mess with Free Beer as a kid & call him names b/c he was known as the kid who could "out burn" anyone... the Burn King

Burnking? - beckyp - 01-05-2009

bigdaddy Wrote:it was playground lore... none of the kids wanted to mess with Free Beer as a kid & call him names b/c he was known as the kid who could "out burn" anyone... the Burn King

and they didn't want to be near his pizza face.

Burnking? - hotzester - 01-05-2009

Plus he set someone on fire in 'Nam.