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When piranhas attack - Printable Version

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When piranhas attack - imatoolhed - 01-13-2009


Just a quick warning: the images are graphic in nature, probably not safe for work, and definitely not for young eyes.

When piranhas attack - -Jiggy- - 01-13-2009

Now that is something I didn't plan on seeing today.

*mumbles to self - "I knew I shouldn't have clicked on it"*

When piranhas attack - imatoolhed - 01-13-2009

my bad, thanks biff

When piranhas attack - shawnp - 01-13-2009


When piranhas attack - chevsscamaro67 - 01-14-2009

That's crazy shit.

When piranhas attack - linzi - 01-14-2009

Are you kidding me?! Never seen anything like it before.
Are you sure it's not a joke?

When piranhas attack - imatoolhed - 01-14-2009

your momma Wrote:Are you kidding me?! Never seen anything like it before.
Are you sure it's not a joke?

no, i'm not sure. it was a link on my loco radio interweb site. but it wasn't posted like a joke on there

i'll see if i can find more story to it

When piranhas attack - krystal - 01-14-2009

Why is there a catfish in the picture? And aren't there supposed to be holes in the eyesockets for the optic nerves (I assume they should exist)? Other than that it looks amazingly real to me.

When piranhas attack - Biff - 01-14-2009

imatoolhed Wrote:my bad, thanks biff

Don't sweat it. It's just a common courtesy reminder.

When piranhas attack - plungerhand - 01-14-2009

soooo, was he ok?

When piranhas attack - Biff - 01-14-2009

Snopes discussion board is calling shenanigans for the same reasons krys pointed out.

When piranhas attack - linzi - 01-14-2009

I was wondering about the little fishes in the picture. They don't look vicious.....

When piranhas attack - Queenie - 01-14-2009

Mouth shut (not vicious):

[Image: pirahna2.jpg]

Mouth open (extremely vicious!!):

[Image: 89098-Pirahna-fishing-0.jpg]

When piranhas attack - linzi - 01-14-2009

AHHHHHH!!! Damn nature, you scary!!

When piranhas attack - dino - 01-14-2009

When I was a little kid (10 or 12 or somewhere around there) I watched a movie called Piranha and I was moderately freaked out about the water for a few years after that.

When piranhas attack - Queenie - 01-14-2009

dino Wrote:When I was a little kid (10 or 12 or somewhere around there) I watched a movie called Piranha and I was moderately freaked out about the water for a few years after that.

I saw that. Same here. Kind of gives you the eeby geebies.

When piranhas attack - sunshyne - 01-14-2009

yep, i was afraid of swimming in my granddad's lake after seeing that movie, that and my cousin told me the snapping turtle would eat my toes

When piranhas attack - dino - 01-14-2009

sunshyne Wrote:yep, i was afraid of swimming in my granddad's lake after seeing that movie, that and my cousin told me the snapping turtle would eat my toes
My cousins told me the same thing about my grandparents pond!!!

When piranhas attack - plungerhand - 01-14-2009

dino Wrote:
sunshyne Wrote:yep, i was afraid of swimming in my granddad's lake after seeing that movie, that and my cousin told me the snapping turtle would eat my toes
My cousins told me the same thing about my grandparents pond!!!

Only because it's true!!! Stay out of the water...zombies will get you.

When piranhas attack - sunshyne - 01-14-2009

I watched a thing on the Nat. Geo. channel/ Discovery/ something, about piranhas. It showed a little white egret (bird) walking on top of lily pads, it made a misstep and fell part way into the water and was instantly attacked by piranhas. There was a big splashy, mixture of fins and teeth for a few seconds, then it stopped as suddenly as it started. and all that was left were a few white feathers floating on the calm, quiet, water.....