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OMG...Dykes throw hard - Printable Version

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OMG...Dykes throw hard - micyek - 06-20-2008

Joe...common....god that killed me.

OMG...Dykes throw hard - dino - 06-20-2008

That's the quote of the day!

OMG...Dykes throw hard - fmcrowl - 06-20-2008


OMG...Dykes throw hard - breadboy09 - 06-20-2008

I listen to the podcast at work, I started drinking my coffee just in time for that great drop, and almost spit it all over my monitor. I couldn't stop laughing. I can't wait to use that line.

OMG...Dykes throw hard - center67 - 06-20-2008

i've been using it all night. my girlfriend plays softball.

OMG...Dykes throw hard - dino - 06-21-2008

center67 Wrote:i've been using it all night. my girlfriend plays softball.

And I'm sure she loves you for it right now!