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new camera guy for joes stunts - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: new camera guy for joes stunts (/showthread.php?tid=2312)

new camera guy for joes stunts - angiglad - 01-21-2009

your camera guy gary sucked can we get a new one on the pay it forward stunt at least he could do was get out of the car in the first part u couldnt see joe and what is with joe growing a beard his face looks like a harry smelly snatch don't like the beard he was so much better looking without it now he just sucks ??? ???

new camera guy for joes stunts - dino - 01-21-2009

You can sign the petition here.


new camera guy for joes stunts - potthole - 01-22-2009

Wow, that's a first post for the ages.