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am i wrong? - Printable Version

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am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 01-30-2009

OK here's the story

My daughter is in kindergarten and they of course have all kinds of little health lessons and all. However today there was something that annoyed me.

She comes home today talking about this stupid clown named brushie and he is part of a children's dentistry office. This is one of these campy little places with ancient arcade games that barley work and a little play land and of course a clown. It is called brushie-land.

Now I don't mind the fact that the clown came in and entertained the kids while showing some good info about what kids should and shouldn't do about their teeth, proper brushing, foods and whatnot.

The problem I have has to do with the fact that she has like 7 different things she had brought home in her book bag saying "DR. Irving W. Jacobson's brushie-land" with phone number, address and all just plastered all over it. The reason this bothers me is the fact that the school would allow advertisements to be placed directly into a kindergarten. Advertisements are one thing in high school and it is just there and by that time the tastes of the kids are already set, but this is a little annoying because of the fact that kids at that age are so impressionable and believe everything they are told in school, so now i have my daughter bugging me to take her to this piece of shit dentist where this completely Megan's law list looking clown works at, when I have a dentist set for her and take her regularly.

I don't believe I am wrong to be at least a little upset about this, but I just want to ask here to see if I am truly justified, and to basically satisfy my own insecurity in thinking I am wrong.

am i wrong? - Mark the Valet - 01-30-2009

Oh Eff no, anywhere with clowns needs to be avoided.

am i wrong? - Biff - 01-30-2009

It's the pay off for offering free dental information. It's a free market and I'm not bothered by it.

am i wrong? - hotzester - 01-30-2009

I don't want to say you're WRONG, per se. But I wouldn't let it bother me. They can put all kinds of advertising in there, you don't HAVE to take her to that dentist. And as has been said, the dentist provided the information, I don't see a problem with the dentist telling you, the bill-payer, where the information came from.

am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 01-30-2009

i understand the free market thing and all, and well it is their right to be able to do this. It is just annoying as hell because now i have a 5 year old who talks enough as it is talking about how she "needs" to go to this dentist to see the clown and blah blah blah.

lol not that I am going to lose any sleep over it, if it wasn't a stupid clown it would be because of space buddies or anything else shitty they try to pass of as a product to children.

am i wrong? - mikesmalltalk - 01-30-2009

Personally i don't think you should worry about it. Im in highschool and honest to god that clown has come to us b4. They always bring the same free crap with the adverstising. I'v seen the same clown since i was like 6 and i still have not gone anywhere near brushie-land =)

am i wrong? - -Jiggy- - 01-30-2009

Personally, I would be happy if my 5 year old was excited to go to a dentist. I would be more worried what she was picking up from the other kids in school than what dentists are advertising to her.

am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 01-31-2009

mikesmalltalk Wrote:Personally i don't think you should worry about it. Im in highschool and honest to god that clown has come to us b4. They always bring the same free crap with the adverstising. I'v seen the same clown since i was like 6 and i still have not gone anywhere near brushie-land =)

lol I remember seeing the commercials when i was a kid, the clown even creeped me out then.
Wow didn't notice there was another Philly boy in these parts, what HS do you go to?

Quote:Personally, I would be happy if my 5 year old was excited to go to a dentist. I would be more worried what she was picking up from the other kids in school than what dentists are advertising to her.
Well the good thing is that she likes the dentist anyway Smile. It is just annoying as hell because I know now she will associate that creepy clown with dentist and start pestering me every time she sees one lol. As far as her picking things up from other kids, I have already been on her about following others. I am kinda veering her toward being more of an independent thinker, mostly because she started the whole "my friends told me to do it so i did it" thing. I know I will probably have plenty more of those "don't believe what you are told all the time" conversations.

Like i said before, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, it's just a little annoying. I just feel they should have made it more of a public service than a way to advertise especially considering that public schools are supposed to be basically neutral and not really a place for cheap advertisement.

am i wrong? - -Jiggy- - 01-31-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:public schools are supposed to be basically neutral and not really a place for cheap advertisement.

I can respect that. I agree.

am i wrong? - Allyson - 01-31-2009

I guess this is along the same lines...

My boyfriend is a teacher at a Catholic high school and the other day the school held a mandatory abortion rally. They hired a group to come in and tell everyone about the sins of abortion. They tried to scare the students by giving them asinine statistics like 43% of women under 45 have had an abortion. It seemed a bit alarming to me that almost half of women under 45 have had an abortion, so we looked up the resource. That 43% includes "spontaneous" abortions, aka miscarriages.

Now I may not necessarily agree but I understand that Catholicism is completely pro-life. But I don't think that a school (even if it is a Catholic school) has the right to make these impressionable naive teenagers attend an abortion rally at which with were unknowingly lied to.

am i wrong? - hotzester - 01-31-2009

The difference, Allyson, is that in that situation it is a private institution. In a PUBLIC school, I would argue that if the pro-life side (with which I wholeheartedly agree), then the other side should also be represented. But in a private setting, they can pretty much do as they please, with which I also agree.

am i wrong? - Allyson - 01-31-2009

I can understand that they want to teach the students about pro-life in a Catholic school setting, my problem is mostly with the fact that they were lying to them.

am i wrong? - Biff - 01-31-2009

Walter Sobchak: Am I wrong?
The Dude: No you're not wrong.
Walter Sobchak: Am I wrong?
The Dude: You're not wrong Walter. You're just an a-hole.
Walter Sobchak: Okay then.

am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 01-31-2009

Allyson Wrote:I can understand that they want to teach the students about pro-life in a Catholic school setting, my problem is mostly with the fact that they were lying to them.

Yeah basically it is kind of annoying, but that is how these arguments go when people go into debate with stats stretched to satisfy their arguments
, it sucks to get kids like this while they are impressionable and push such things on them instead of giving real information and letting them chose for themselves, but this is what the parents are paying for.

I was in catholic school up until 5th grade, we were given all kinds of weird stats like this, I was so gung-ho about all of that stuff. Once I went to public school i started to realize how brainwashed I was. Not saying that religion is wrong or anything, because everyone is entitled to believe what they like, but when I found the truth about things of this nature I felt kind of used.

lol you should see some of the abstinence programs they have out there, very absurd stats given in those rallies. Like zester said though, it is a private institution and they can do as they please, well within reason.

am i wrong? - mikesmalltalk - 01-31-2009

i got to Father Judge HS. Everyother week we have an assembly for some stupid program. Always hygene, aborition,drugs ,abstinance, or just bein a good christian. Personally i just fall asleep during these but everyweek they try to force some new info into our heads

am i wrong? - hotzester - 01-31-2009

Yeah, morality blows.

am i wrong? - -Jiggy- - 01-31-2009

mikesmalltalk Wrote:i got to Father Judge HS. Everyother week we have an assembly for some stupid program. Always hygene, aborition,drugs ,abstinance, or just bein a good christian. Personally i just fall asleep during these but everyweek they try to force some new info into our heads
Maybe if you paid attention you could actually learn something. Not to sound like my father or anything...

am i wrong? - Biff - 01-31-2009

mikesmalltalk Wrote:i got to Father Judge HS. Everyother week we have an assembly for some stupid program. Always hygene, aborition,drugs ,abstinance, or just bein a good christian. Personally i just fall asleep during these but everyweek they try to force some new info into our heads

How old are you?

am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 01-31-2009

Jiggy Wrote:
mikesmalltalk Wrote:i got to Father Judge HS. Everyother week we have an assembly for some stupid program. Always hygene, aborition,drugs ,abstinance, or just bein a good christian. Personally i just fall asleep during these but everyweek they try to force some new info into our heads
Maybe if you paid attention you could actually learn something. Not to sound like my father or anything...

Those types of things are useless when it comes to the high school part. Once people are past 8th grade they end up forming their own opinion on things and don't care about the stats given in these assemblies. not to mention like allyson stated there are plenty of misgivings within the information given to use as a scare tactic to these kids.

am i wrong? - -Jiggy- - 01-31-2009

At 26 almost 27, I continue to learn new things that form my opinion on things. If you stopped learning at 8th grade I feel very sorry for you.

am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 01-31-2009

Jiggy Wrote:At 26 almost 27, I continue to learn new things that form my opinion on things. If you stopped learning at 8th grade I feel very sorry for you.

I am not saying i stopped learning, I am saying that trying to tell kids in their mid teens to adulthood for the most part about things like that is very difficult, and holding assemblies like that does nothing but give them time off from class because you will probably have about 25% of the audience's serious attention.

am i wrong? - professorpinasheep - 01-31-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:I am not saying i stopped learning, I am saying that trying to tell kids in their mid teens to adulthood for the most part about things like that is very difficult, and holding assemblies like that does nothing but give them time off from class because you will probably have about 25% of the audience's serious attention.

If you could reach 25% of an audience of probably a couple hundred impressionable teenagers with your message, isn't it still worth it? I'm sure pastors/preachers/fathers/whatevers know their entire audience isn't devoting 100% of their attention to the message, but it's still getting across to some people and still making a difference.

am i wrong? - -Jiggy- - 01-31-2009

Besides I think you would be shocked to find it might be a little more than 25%. I have nothing backing up that statement other than my own life almost 10 years removed from high school. There have been a lot of times I have chosen to do the "right thing" not because of something new I learned but moments like that where I remembered values taught to me at a young age. I am not necessarily talking about faith-based issues either. That's a slippery slope I don't want to go down here.

am i wrong? - hotzester - 01-31-2009

I disagree that people stop paying attention past a certain age. I'm 33, and I pick new things up all the time. We all do. Be it morality, grammar, whatever....I recently got annoyed with myself whenever I said "I'm doing good" or "I don't feel good." I'd just started associating with more educated individuals, and it became common to hear them say "I'm well", and over time it just started to annoy me that I said "good". Now you'll almost never hear me say it incorrectly. Call me pretentious.

Similarly, in high school we had an assembly that sticks with me to this day. It was presented by flight medics, ER staff, paramedics, and loved ones who were all touched by the effects of drunk driving. It was amazingly graphic, with full color photos of what can happen if you do it. I heard many, many kids say they'd never drink again after seeing it. We all obviously DID, but much more responsibly.

I think people pick things up more frequently than most of us know.

am i wrong? - mikesmalltalk - 01-31-2009

1st of all, im 17
2nd-after hearing the same crap for 8 years you actully start to REMEMBER it
3rd-im in freakin 1st and AP classes....if i was in 3rd or 4th track i could understand them forcing this crap into my head but i know it...Don't Drink Dont Do Drugs, Shower, Have protected sex, and just be a decent person. All of which i do soo just because i dont pay attention doesnt mean i dont know it.

am i wrong? - -Jiggy- - 01-31-2009

mikesmalltalk Wrote:1st of all, im 17
2nd-after hearing the same crap for 8 years you actully start to REMEMBER it
3rd-im in freakin 1st and AP classes....if i was in 3rd or 4th track i could understand them forcing this crap into my head but i know it...Don't Drink Dont Do Drugs, Shower, Have protected sex, and just be a decent person. All of which i do soo just because i dont pay attention doesnt mean i dont know it.
Yes, you may be right you know most of these things. Guess what, you go to school with another X amount of people. As common sense as it sounds that you should not do drugs, shower, protect yourself, etc some kids honestly are not taught this at home. I do believe it should not be the school's responsibility but the parents but that is the sad truth.

What is the school supposed to say as your walking in to the auditorium, "Do you know how to cleanse yourself? Okay you're execused." We need decent people in this world to take care of it when the next generation comes along and that responsibility must fall on somebody. Honestly, someday you will understand.

am i wrong? - potthole - 01-31-2009

mikesmalltalk Wrote:1st of all, im 17

Mind if I ask why you entered your date of birth as 1980?

am i wrong? - mikesmalltalk - 01-31-2009

guess im the only one who lies when filling out forms to get onto forums, free stuff etc

am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 01-31-2009

hotzester Wrote:I disagree that people stop paying attention past a certain age. I'm 33, and I pick new things up all the time. We all do. Be it morality, grammar, whatever....I recently got annoyed with myself whenever I said "I'm doing good" or "I don't feel good." I'd just started associating with more educated individuals, and it became common to hear them say "I'm well", and over time it just started to annoy me that I said "good". Now you'll almost never hear me say it incorrectly. Call me pretentious.

Similarly, in high school we had an assembly that sticks with me to this day. It was presented by flight medics, ER staff, paramedics, and loved ones who were all touched by the effects of drunk driving. It was amazingly graphic, with full color photos of what can happen if you do it. I heard many, many kids say they'd never drink again after seeing it. We all obviously DID, but much more responsibly.

I think people pick things up more frequently than most of us know.

Well I am just referring to the things like "don't have sex" "abortion = Hell", "masturbation is a sin" blah blah blah these are different topics than. "I got shot and now have to get a finger stuck up my ass in order to take a shit because my body is broken", or "I did drugs and now my left side doesn't work" and things like that.

The scared straight ones usually get attention, but the "your a sinner if you..." ones are usually just ignored


Quote: 1st of all, im 17
2nd-after hearing the same crap for 8 years you actully start to REMEMBER it
3rd-im in freakin 1st and AP classes....if i was in 3rd or 4th track i could understand them forcing this crap into my head but i know it...Don't Drink Dont Do Drugs, Shower, Have protected sex, and just be a decent person. All of which i do soo just because i dont pay attention doesnt mean i dont know it.

holy crap you are in catholic school and they tell you protected sex. I am surprised you weren't told that it would fall of if you get with a woman.

am i wrong? - lokizilla - 01-31-2009

Free is always good, that's why when there is a box of free pens, we all go in and grab handfuls....Take my Mom into an expo center with free stuff, she comes out loaded to the gills....Just because it has advertising on it, doesn't mean it won't work, and free is always a good stand by...scratch off the names...

am i wrong? - mikesmalltalk - 02-01-2009

well with the protected sex iv heard both sides of the story, iv only had like 4 sex assemblies this year nd like 3 of them pushed towards protected sex since its hard to find a teenager with a g-friend that are abstinant.
My school, unlike many others, knows that we alrdy do stupid crap and just try to convince us to do it safer since they know were not gonna stop

am i wrong? - 0rz0ski - 02-01-2009

I was really hoping there was a poll attached to this, so I could vote "Yes, you are wrong" without having to read everything.

Just kidding.

am i wrong? - Queenie - 02-01-2009

mikesmalltalk Wrote:guess im the only one who lies when filling out forms to get onto forums, free stuff etc

[Image: cropped_pinnochio.jpg]

am i wrong? - mikesmalltalk - 02-01-2009

+1 lol 100% true, personally, i think (HEY EVERYONE! I'm a douchebag! Really I am!) who says they dont lie on some internet forums is full of crap also soo fine, ill be the one who actully admits doin it

im actully not gonna change that because we alrdy know who did it but my lord thats all?? thats the funniest thing you could come up with??

am i wrong? - mikesmalltalk - 02-02-2009

ahh, comon?? thats the funniest thing you could add to my post?? you should be ashamed of urself, 1st i embarass you soo now ur tryin to get revenge by adding stuff to mine, WAY TO GO, looks like we have a good group here

am i wrong? - -Jiggy- - 02-02-2009

Yeah, you're definitely in high school. You're right I probably lied on stuff back in school too. I honestly can't think of anything I've lied on in 10+ years though.

am i wrong? - potthole - 02-02-2009

mikesmalltalk Wrote:ahh, comon?? thats the funniest thing you could add to my post?? you should be ashamed of urself, 1st i embarass you soo now ur tryin to get revenge by adding stuff to mine, WAY TO GO, looks like we have a good group here

No, it looks like you're an immature twit.

am i wrong? - hotzester - 02-02-2009

BWAAAHAHAHA The guy who brags about sleeping through assemblies because he doesn't need the morality lectures got busted for lying. That's precious.

Now that he's deleted his account, can I point out that he's the same guy who is in AP classes but can't take the time to write out words like "your" or use punctuation?

I love the internet.

am i wrong? - Philly Mike - 02-02-2009

hotzester Wrote:BWAAAHAHAHA The guy who brags about sleeping through assemblies because he doesn't need the morality lectures got busted for lying. That's precious.

Now that he's deleted his account, can I point out that he's the same guy who is in AP classes but can't take the time to write out words like "your" or use punctuation?

I love the internet.

what the hell, titan stops posting every 5 minutes and I thought the spelling police were gone, but now we have this lol.

Dude really, get over it. People will misspell and use bad english. This is an internet forum just for the hell of it. It isn't a job interview.

am i wrong? - hotzester - 02-02-2009

Ignoring the fact that you're obsessed with my opinion on those who are too lazy to formulate a grammatically accurate thought, and completely disregarding your apparent decision to not wish to present yourself as intelligent, let me try to explain this to you in terms you might be able to understand.

I'm not the one posting about how smart I am, am I? He pointed out his entire class schedule, and how he's in AP classes and he's so morally superior that he can sleep through lectures on morality, then he presented evidence that completely contradicted these suggestions.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read another thread. I'm sure you'll be two steps behind me, so I'll see you there.