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Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - Printable Version

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Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - zdunklee - 02-15-2009

Found this mash up today, thought it was pretty good:


Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - Queenie - 02-15-2009


Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - misterfive - 02-16-2009

This was in tonight's episode of Family Guy. I was very surprised that it was in there so soon after it happened. I remember hearing that episodes of the Simpsons took better then 3 or 4 months to complete.

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - zdunklee - 02-16-2009

Mister Five Wrote:This was in tonight's episode of Family Guy. I was very surprised that it was in there so soon after it happened. I remember hearing that episodes of the Simpsons took better then 3 or 4 months to complete.

I noticed that...werid that it was on the internets at least 2 hrs before the show aired....then again so was the new simpsons intro...

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - zetsyuk - 02-16-2009

THe whole episode was filler. disappointing.

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - misterfive - 02-16-2009

That's one of the only criticisms I have about Family Guy. It seems like if they don't have enough content for 1/2 hour, then they just take some marginal gag and expand it until it's become thoroughly lame. Some examples: Stewie standing next to Lois's bed and screaming "mommy" 30 times. Donny Most rising from the mists. The chicken fights. (Though I do like those, they go on too long.)

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - -Jiggy- - 02-16-2009

Mister Five Wrote:That's one of the only criticisms I have about Family Guy. It seems like if they don't have enough content for 1/2 hour, then they just take some marginal gag and expand it until it's become thoroughly lame. Some examples: Stewie standing next to Lois's bed and screaming "mommy" 30 times. Donny Most rising from the mists. The chicken fights. (Though I do like those, they go on too long.)
I don't know, those are some of favorite moments from the show. To each their own I guess.

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - zdunklee - 02-16-2009

I agree with jiggy, those are some of the funniest moments to me too, much like the original "peter falls and hurts his knee" one that still makes me laugh every time I see it.

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - -Jiggy- - 02-16-2009

zdunklee Wrote:I agree with jiggy, those are some of the funniest moments to me too, much like the original "peter falls and hurts his knee" one that still makes me laugh every time I see it.
and I think that one had to be extended because it really isn't the third or fourth "heeee ahhhhhh" that it becomes funny anyway.

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - krystal - 02-16-2009

It amused me, and that's all that matters.

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - mayorofawesometown - 02-16-2009

Mister Five Wrote:That's one of the only criticisms I have about Family Guy. It seems like if they don't have enough content for 1/2 hour, then they just take some marginal gag and expand it until it's become thoroughly lame. Some examples: Stewie standing next to Lois's bed and screaming "mommy" 30 times. Donny Most rising from the mists. The chicken fights. (Though I do like those, they go on too long.)

I was saying the exact same thing to my g/f last night. It's not that those gags aren't funny. But they're only funny for so long. Then they get lame. Then they get funny again. Then it's just pathetic. Family Guy doesn't know how to pull the plug once it gets funny the second time.

They did that last night with back to back jokes. First Peter/Christian Bale and then Stewie's tour de force music video.

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - rabbidgirl - 02-16-2009

They are trying to perfect the art of the cut away gags.. Just to see what they can get by with. Even though it is ridiculous, and we know it is, we still keep on coming back..
My question is that if they did a straight show with no cut away gags and repetitive jokes ans so on... well, would it be the same???

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - imatoolhed - 02-16-2009

i really dig mayor adam west...

... kills the noid, screaming match, singing his name, some one is stealing my water (watering plants)

and any time joe gets mad

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - zdunklee - 02-17-2009

[Herbert] Who wants to come back to my place and see my purple heart? [/Herbert]

Peter Griffin vs Christian Bale - Queenie - 02-17-2009

I watched the one last night where Peter's Mom is staying with him and Ted Turner has hooked up with her. I thought the funniest part was when Peter had the ice cream out and Papa Ted warned him not to open it, and as soon as he did, Papa Ted busted his ass!! Meanwhile, Brian and Stewie were doing the Dingo and the Baby show on the radio. I had a good 30 minute laughing spree!!