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Super Stacker 2, aka unproductive at work - Printable Version

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Super Stacker 2, aka unproductive at work - zdunklee - 02-26-2009


Super Stacker 2, aka unproductive at work - -Jiggy- - 02-26-2009

I was just about to go to bed last night and then you posted this. Next thing I know I've beat it and am on the bonus rounds. I've gotten to medium difficulty on the bonus. I think lvl 21 was one of the hardest to figure out.

Super Stacker 2, aka unproductive at work - Titan! - 02-26-2009


Um, may I ask please ?

Why is it that when I click the link you posted, I get windows saying things like:

10 minutes

100 minutes

1600000 minutes

etc ?

I think you posted a link to a virus page. Well done.

Super Stacker 2, aka unproductive at work - zdunklee - 02-26-2009

I think you have terrible internet, cause it clearly goes to the game for jiggy and myself.

Super Stacker 2, aka unproductive at work - Titan! - 02-26-2009

the FIRST time I clicked it, the link went right to the game, but now I get that minutes BS

Super Stacker 2, aka unproductive at work - Queenie - 02-27-2009

Titan ! Wrote:the FIRST time I clicked it, the link went right to the game, but now I get that minutes BS

Maybe you are actually stuck in a hatch on Lost.

Push the button titan!! Push the button!!!