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calling all those laid off - Printable Version

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calling all those laid off - Philly Mike - 03-03-2009

Just curious how many here are actually laid off, the reason I made it a poll is because I know there are some out there who wish to remain anonymous so you can just click the box and show the number. You can post too and speak on it if you like. Who knows? It could help some people deal with it, I know it can get depressing and you need an outlet somewhere about it.

I left the poll open to change if someone decides to put no then suddenly find out they are or will be, or vice versa.

I have been laid off since October and still can't find shit. Was working for Wells Fargo auto finance, but they shut down the specific part of what me and a team of others were doing and just left that operation in one location in AZ.

Mind you the whole time they were recording all of this record growth throughout the months before this and still are reporting this growth, yet they need bailout money. Sounds kinda shitty to me.

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-03-2009

I was laid off from a small welding shop in Grand Rapids. They laid me and one other guy off then shut their doors completely a week later. This was in November, which is why my activity here started to increase starting about that time. I'll be honest, I'm not really looking for full-time work here.

We were planning even before I got laid off to move back to Arkansas, where I'm from, this summer. My wife has a job she needs to be at until then otherwise we would move now. When it hits late spring I am going to start applying for places down there. I'm eventually going to be working with my brother there though. He is a deputy in a jail and can probably get my foot in the door. A few years of that and I will apply for a police force.

calling all those laid off - zdunklee - 03-03-2009

Woohoo I'm here...where's the party? Is there a support group we can meet hot women at? Ok now that I got the important questions out of the way, hopefully if all goes well this week I will have a job offer sometime during the next week, I have already beat out 550 people only 50 left, just need to get a good score on one last test and the interview to have a shot at a job in which I won't be able to be here nearly as often.

Otherwise I have to wait around until at least the end of march for my current job to have enough work to go back...dang slow economy...

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-03-2009

Is it only one position all these people are applying for?

calling all those laid off - zdunklee - 03-03-2009

From what I have been told 6 positions, it is with the GRPD as a dispatcher for one and with the city for a financial assistant for the other. I'm not sure how many are open for the financial assistant job, and don't have as much hope for that one as the dispatch job.

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-03-2009

I've been inside the GRPD dispatch center. That place is awesome. A nerd's dream come true if you like being behind computers.

calling all those laid off - Allyson - 03-03-2009


It takes a while to apply, get a response, and bring you on board, but once you've got a job with the government you're good for life.

calling all those laid off - Howie Feltersnatch - 03-03-2009

My dad is without work right now. he's been workless since around Christmas. Luckily my uncle (his brother in law) is a Lil' Debbie driver and offers him some cash to assist in the routes. He's also been helping a local contractor do a little work on a house but that's pretty far and in between. I'm about to put him to work fixing fence....

calling all those laid off - Queenie - 03-03-2009

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:My dad is without work right now. he's been workless since around Christmas. Luckily my uncle (his brother in law) is a Lil' Debbie driver and offers him some cash to assist in the routes. He's also been helping a local contractor do a little work on a house but that's pretty far and in between. I'm about to put him to work fixing fence....

Does he for McKee?

calling all those laid off - Howie Feltersnatch - 03-03-2009

Queenie Wrote:Does he for McKee?


calling all those laid off - Queenie - 03-03-2009

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Does he for McKee?


The driver for Lil' Debbie?

calling all those laid off - professorpinasheep - 03-03-2009

I work for an auto supplier. I'm not officially laid off, but close enough. We have "rolling layoffs" throughout our plant.. One line at a time, for one or two weeks, is given time off. When they come back, another line has their turn.. The whole company was off for the weeks of Christmas/New Years, went back one week and our line was part of the first "roller". Just about went nuts spending that much time with my kids.. Hah. And next week, it's our turn again.. Hurrah.

calling all those laid off - Philly Mike - 03-03-2009

Imray_Pinasheep Wrote:I work for an auto supplier. I'm not officially laid off, but close enough. We have "rolling layoffs" throughout our plant.. One line at a time, for one or two weeks, is given time off. When they come back, another line has their turn.. The whole company was off for the weeks of Christmas/New Years, went back one week and our line was part of the first "roller". Just about went nuts spending that much time with my kids.. Hah. And next week, it's our turn again.. Hurrah.

must be a pain in the ass dealing with unemployment off and on.

calling all those laid off - professorpinasheep - 03-04-2009

Philly Mike Wrote:
Imray_Pinasheep Wrote:I work for an auto supplier. I'm not officially laid off, but close enough. We have "rolling layoffs" throughout our plant.. One line at a time, for one or two weeks, is given time off. When they come back, another line has their turn.. The whole company was off for the weeks of Christmas/New Years, went back one week and our line was part of the first "roller". Just about went nuts spending that much time with my kids.. Hah. And next week, it's our turn again.. Hurrah.

must be a pain in the ass dealing with unemployment off and on.

Eh, it's not that bad most of the time. It took me two full days (calling a minimum of 40-50x/hour, constantly trying to file online while the site was more or less crashed due to the mass traffic) during the holiday shutdown, but otherwise it takes me about 10 minutes to file online and then another 10 minutes to call and claim by telephone. It's something I'd rather not deal with, though.

calling all those laid off - Philly Mike - 03-04-2009

Imray_Pinasheep Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:must be a pain in the ass dealing with unemployment off and on.

Eh, it's not that bad most of the time. It took me two full days (calling a minimum of 40-50x/hour, constantly trying to file online while the site was more or less crashed due to the mass traffic) during the holiday shutdown, but otherwise it takes me about 10 minutes to file online and then another 10 minutes to call and claim by telephone. It's something I'd rather not deal with, though.

well yeah the filing online is nice and quick. I just assumed that when you started again then stopped you would have to call to restart the claim.

I know here in PA for an initial claim you need to call to do so. anything after you can do online. the big pain in the assassinhaiku is like you said, that calling shit is like having a full time job with overtime, because thats how much time you have to invest in orer to get a hold of the person who can actually set you up.

calling all those laid off - fustercluck - 03-04-2009

I've been off since October. 14 years in the mortgage industry. I'm starting to get an insurance gig off the ground, but no $ from it yet. Once it hits, it should be pretty lucritive, but I'm still part of the obamanation.

calling all those laid off - professorpinasheep - 03-04-2009

Yeah, I have to refile every time after I return to work.. but it's quick and painless online if it's not a peak time like the winter holidays apparently are. You still have to call MARVIN every time to claim your money, though, and that's kind of a pain. Sometimes it takes one call to get through, others about 50.. but I have a pretty good formula down, so it's not too bad. I feel sorry for the people who get the debit cards (they won't send checks anymore.. you get a card issued to you, and then you have to call AGAIN to get the money put on it).. they always have problems. I do direct-depo.. Call on Tuesday afternoon, money's in the account by Thursday morning.

calling all those laid off - fustercluck - 03-04-2009

I call everyother Tuesday morning at 8:00. I have direct deposit too. Knock on wood, I have not had problems calling into MARVIN. I usually dial at 7:58, listen to the 2 minutes of disclaimers and get right on the system.

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-04-2009

I usually get right through to MARVIN within the first or second call. One day, however, it was 40 mins straight of redialing.

calling all those laid off - zdunklee - 03-04-2009

FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:I call everyother Tuesday morning at 8:00. I have direct deposit too. Knock on wood, I have not had problems calling into MARVIN. I usually dial at 7:58, listen to the 2 minutes of disclaimers and get right on the system.

I dial at 7:59 every other wednesday and it goes right to MARVIN everytime, I did miss till 8:01 once and it took a good 30 mins to get through.

calling all those laid off - fustercluck - 03-04-2009

Allyson Wrote:www.usajobs.gov

It takes a while to apply, get a response, and bring you on board, but once you've got a job with the government you're good for life.

What a monster to complete. Thanks for the link. I found a few jobs to apply for. IRS, here I come!

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-07-2009

tommy1150 Wrote:Yeah I call MARVIN every other Tuesday at 3pm and I've never once had to redial or not been able to get through. I get laid off every year for 3 months and it just amazes me all the bitching everyone does about MARVIN. I've been dealing with Unemployment agency and MARVIN for the past 5 years and I NEVER have any of these problems. Every year at the end of November when I get laid off I have to open a new claim and still don't have any of these problems. I just don't understand what the problems are.

It must be a Tuesday afternoon thing then. I call at 2 every other Tues. and don't run into problems either.

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-17-2009

zdunklee Wrote:
FUSTERCLUCK Wrote:I call everyother Tuesday morning at 8:00. I have direct deposit too. Knock on wood, I have not had problems calling into MARVIN. I usually dial at 7:58, listen to the 2 minutes of disclaimers and get right on the system.

I dial at 7:59 every other wednesday and it goes right to MARVIN everytime, I did miss till 8:01 once and it took a good 30 mins to get through.

I signed up for MARVIN online last week. It takes a few days for them to send you your password in the mail but it is worth it. I just got my letter today right before my scheduled call in time. I went online instead and did it it literally took me 15 secs. I didn't have to sit through that guys whole monologue.


calling all those laid off - zdunklee - 03-17-2009

I did the same, they actually give you a temp password that is good for like 14 days or something. It works way better.

calling all those laid off - mayorofawesometown - 03-17-2009

Allyson Wrote:www.usajobs.gov

It takes a while to apply, get a response, and bring you on board, but once you've got a job with the government you're good for life.

Are there any jobs there that I actually qualify for? It's hard to find something that fits when you have a useless English degree. Sad

calling all those laid off - zdunklee - 03-17-2009

I'm noticing a trend to those of us that are laid off:

Me: Mathematics, Jiggy: History, MOAT: English...

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-17-2009

zdunklee Wrote:I'm noticing a trend to those of us that are laid off:

Me: Mathematics, Jiggy: History, MOAT: English...

We should collect our combined efforts and start a private school.

calling all those laid off - mayorofawesometown - 03-17-2009

Who would actually attend our school? Retarded Otto? Zane?

calling all those laid off - zdunklee - 03-17-2009

We could start with Zane. I know he really could use the math help and if Jiggy could work some geography in with the history that might help him too.

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-17-2009

Yes. Biology and Geography as well.

calling all those laid off - Philly Mike - 03-17-2009

hey, you can chalk me in for science and technology. I also have some dance experience if we are going to host any electives.

calling all those laid off - zdunklee - 03-17-2009

Well shit, I think we have all the basics covered.

calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 03-20-2009

I had a scare today. I went to check my checking account to make sure my money from UIA was deposited. They only paid me for one week. Add in the frustration of dealing with my car and I was PISSED!! I thought for sure for some reason I was being cut off.

I called them and it turns out their just efftards and for some reason screwed up!!!

Re: calling all those laid off - dingdongyo - 04-26-2009

does getting fired count?

Re: calling all those laid off - plumpenut - 04-26-2009

sure close enough

Re: calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 04-26-2009

dingdongyo Wrote:does getting fired count?

How did it happen? Or would you rather not talk about it?

Re: calling all those laid off - dingdongyo - 04-26-2009

-Jiggy- Wrote:
dingdongyo Wrote:does getting fired count?

How did it happen? Or would you rather not talk about it?

poor performance. i didn't receive any training, and i was expected to learn what i needed by myself. i wasn't doing it fast enough. the other qa person was canned to. same week. spring cleaning, i guess.

i hated that friggin job. just wish i had something else lined up first.

Re: calling all those laid off - -Jiggy- - 04-26-2009

dingdongyo Wrote:
-Jiggy- Wrote:
dingdongyo Wrote:does getting fired count?

How did it happen? Or would you rather not talk about it?

poor performance. i didn't receive any training, and i was expected to learn what i needed by myself. i wasn't doing it fast enough. the other qa person was canned to. same week. spring cleaning, i guess.

i hated that friggin job. just wish i had something else lined up first.

I've had a few jobs like that. They expect you to come in and learn everything within a very short time and get frustrated when you don't. I've usually quit those jobs before they had a chance to fire me.