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its in your butt - Printable Version

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its in your butt - parrbar - 03-04-2009

i dont know if this has been answered before, but, i was just wondering where that drop is from?

its in your butt - burnking - 03-04-2009


its in your butt - Titan! - 03-04-2009

It's from the musical episode of Scrubs

its in your butt - Howie Feltersnatch - 03-04-2009


Scrubs is awesome

When the hell is there going to be a new episode? I haven't had any DVR'ed in weeks!

its in your butt - Philly Mike - 03-04-2009

there was one last week i think.

its in your butt - Titan! - 03-04-2009

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:really?

Scrubs is awesome

When the hell is there going to be a new episode? I haven't had any DVR'ed in weeks!

Yep really, there was a whole song about poo and how it's usually the best place for doctors to look to find out whats wrong with a patient, hence the line

and I've seen all the new episodes on Channel 1 On Demand, not sure how "new" they are though

its in your butt - -Jiggy- - 03-04-2009

Titan ! Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:really?

Scrubs is awesome

When the hell is there going to be a new episode? I haven't had any DVR'ed in weeks!

Yep really, there was a whole song about poo and how it's usually the best place for doctors to look to find out whats wrong with a patient, hence the line

and I've seen all the new episodes on Channel 1 On Demand, not sure how "new" they are though


its in your butt - hotzester - 03-04-2009

Howie, reprogram your DVR. ABC purchased 13 episodes (I think, it could be more) this year after NBC blew it off last season, f'ing up the finale in the process.

its in your butt - parrbar - 03-13-2009

thanks...io thought taht thats where it was from but wasnt to sure

its in your butt - freebeer - 03-13-2009

I had no idea.

its in your butt - Mad Dog - 03-14-2009

Personally, I always thought it was a trio of Freebeer Hot wings and Eric zane in an old show. Thanks for this enlightnment

its in your butt - hotzester - 03-14-2009

Hands down one of the best episodes of Scrubs they've done. The song "Guy Love" was hilarious.

its in your butt - Queenie - 03-16-2009

Pretty funny!


its in your butt - jgwelding - 03-16-2009

I love it when you're watching tv or something and a drop gets played out of nowhere!!

its in your butt - Titan! - 03-18-2009

Speaking of drops, the "Don't even ask just bring it" drop is from the movie Hot Rod

its in your butt - tibbs81 - 03-20-2009

parrbar Wrote:i dont know if this has been answered before, but, i was just wondering where that drop is from?

That's kind of outdated now anyway though. It seems like they won't be playing stuff like that anymore to try to appeal to more stations. That idea has been referenced a few times, like when Zane said something to Hotwings about playing peanuts/penis. There was also another time when Zane mentioned that Joe had IM'd him to ask him to play the "it's in your butt" drop, but Zane's response was that he was trying to get away from that. Good or bad...you decide. I know I'll miss it, but I also want the show to get as big as possible.

its in your butt - -Jiggy- - 03-20-2009

tibbs81 Wrote:
parrbar Wrote:i dont know if this has been answered before, but, i was just wondering where that drop is from?

That's kind of outdated now anyway though. It seems like they won't be playing stuff like that anymore to try to appeal to more stations. That idea has been referenced a few times, like when Zane said something to Hotwings about playing peanuts/penis. There was also another time when Zane mentioned that Joe had IM'd him to ask him to play the "it's in your butt" drop, but Zane's response was that he was trying to get away from that. Good or bad...you decide. I know I'll miss it, but I also want the show to get as big as possible.

I want a bunch of success for them too. I just hope they don't forget what made them successful in the first place.

I have complete faith in them though.

its in your butt - tibbs81 - 03-22-2009

Jiggy Wrote:
tibbs81 Wrote:That's kind of outdated now anyway though. It seems like they won't be playing stuff like that anymore to try to appeal to more stations. That idea has been referenced a few times, like when Zane said something to Hotwings about playing peanuts/penis. There was also another time when Zane mentioned that Joe had IM'd him to ask him to play the "it's in your butt" drop, but Zane's response was that he was trying to get away from that. Good or bad...you decide. I know I'll miss it, but I also want the show to get as big as possible.

I want a bunch of success for them too. I just hope they don't forget what made them successful in the first place.

I have complete faith in them though.

Me too

its in your butt - moobsminger - 03-22-2009

I've been having an odd sense that they've become more tame, maybe even dull at times, very recently, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I thought maybe I was having a bad week, but fewer crazy drops may have been the issue. I've been rooting for the show to grow too, but I hope they don't go the route of many who focus who forget their core fans in order to appeal to larger masses. I'm not saying they are or will, but let's hope they remember what drew us to them in the first place. Then again, if you don't grow and evolve, you end up like Bob and Tom.

its in your butt - tibbs81 - 03-23-2009

The real problem is Zane. He recently went off porn and I think it's making him normal. Get back on the horse man. Go to Red Tube and get your head right.