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handsome hotwings is a nerd? - Printable Version

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handsome hotwings is a nerd? - ascorbic - 03-26-2009

i just saw joe's last video of the ped egg challenge and caught a flash of hotwings with glasses? he looked like a nerd, not sure if anyone else caught it, but i guess its the first time i've ever seen him with glasses on

handsome hotwings is a nerd? - 0rz0ski - 03-26-2009

He had glasses on at the Big Fancy Think Fast Game Show. I think he had thinner frames for that event. If I had to guess, they're probably reading glasses.

handsome hotwings is a nerd? - dingdongyo - 03-27-2009

you're surprised he's a nerd?

can you hear him?

handsome hotwings is a nerd? - Philly Mike - 03-27-2009

I thought he had laser eye surgery??

handsome hotwings is a nerd? - 0rz0ski - 03-27-2009

Laser eye surgery doesn't always eliminate the need for glasses. Maybe he needs them for reading.

handsome hotwings is a nerd? - zdunklee - 03-27-2009

Why is everyone parking on the fact she called him a nerd? She also mistakenly called him handsome...seriously, damn....I must be smokin hot then...

handsome hotwings is a nerd? - plumpenut - 03-31-2009

Wait........is it news that he's a nerd????