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wha happened? - Printable Version

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wha happened? - Philly Mike - 05-01-2009

I could swear I had a post here and now it's not anywhere.

Re: wha happened? - Opus - 05-01-2009

And tell me Mr. Mike, how does this make you feel?

Can you describe this "post" to me? I will try to analyze it and give you the meaning of this "post".

Re: wha happened? - Philly Mike - 05-01-2009

I posted a flash video with about kenya. the subject was like "this broke my brain" or something like that.

Re: wha happened? - Queenie - 05-01-2009

I moved it to the Wheel of Bad Games. Sorry! I saw right click and hit play and I figured you had just put it in the wrong forum! I'll check it out and move it back if need be.

Edit: We figured it out. It should be back here in a few.

Re: wha happened? - Philly Mike - 05-01-2009

lol its cool. I can repost it. I noticed it was completely deleted because it was not in my posting history. we are all human and we make mistakes. I just thought i did something wrong and didn't know it.

Re: wha happened? - Opus - 05-01-2009

Wheres an angry mod carrying pitchforks and torches demanding your exile when you need one?

Re: wha happened? - Titan! - 05-01-2009

That's totally Unamerican to move posts like that ! ! ! !