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Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Printable Version

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Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Biff - 06-23-2008

Next time they come into town I think Free Beer needs to invite Zane for a sleep over. It sounds to me like sis and bro in law need a good dose of "tell it like it is guy".

Can you believe the audacity of those two?

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - derek - 06-23-2008

That would be fantastic. But, everything better be recorded

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Biff - 06-23-2008

You're buying? I'll have 5 margaritas please. I'd move to a smaller house just so that those a-holes would have to get a hotel room. While that wouldn't eliminate the tension, it would certainly mitigate it to nearly tolerable levels.

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - residentialevil - 06-23-2008

I feel for FB because my in laws are simliar to them. Not quite as bad but they do the crap where they spend all kinds of money on trips and crap and then complain about having no money.

Personally I would have gone off on her on the dinner thing. Not only would I have pointed out I knew she had gotten her $40 back on the previous dinner but also that apparently she's a dumbass who can't add, since $85 > $40. There's no way I could stand to have those people in my house.

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Biff - 06-23-2008

I think the underlying theme of this thread is that Free Beer needs to grow a set. Wink

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Queenie - 06-23-2008

I cannot believe the audacity of people who are visiting others and want to complain because everything is not "perfect" and expect you to cater to them (all the while trying to maintain your every day routine). Then you go visit them and you are TOTALLY on your own cause they are getting ready to go out of town. What a crock of s. And as far as dinner and such, they are letting you stay free, at least help with the food . . .geez!!

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Mark the Valet - 06-23-2008

Admin Wrote:I think the underlying theme of this thread is that Free Beer needs to grow a set. Wink

Dude, not really his family. He's trying to make it so things aren't awkward.

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - mudroomdonna - 06-23-2008

Mark the Valet Wrote:
Admin Wrote:I think the underlying theme of this thread is that Free Beer needs to grow a set. Wink

Dude, not really his family. He's trying to make it so things aren't awkward.

How is talking about them on the radio going to make things not awkward? That's way passive aggresive...And not actually working as it seems!

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Mark the Valet - 06-23-2008

They weren't in the listening area at the time.

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Biff - 06-23-2008

Mark the Valet Wrote:
Admin Wrote:I think the underlying theme of this thread is that Free Beer needs to grow a set. Wink

Dude, not really his family. He's trying to make it so things aren't awkward.

I get that. Hence the winky.

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - residentialevil - 06-23-2008

Mark the Valet Wrote:They weren't in the listening area at the time.

There is such thing as a podcast. Not to mention I'm sure there would be a way to get back to them if someone they knew heard it.

Anyway, I understand not wanting to cause problems, I even think FB mentioned he really likes his mother in law so because of her he doesn't go off. But still sometimes you just have to lay down the law. His in laws sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - Biff - 06-23-2008

I remember hearing that Free Beer's wife didn't have a good relationship with her father. Perhaps the sister in law was the apple that didn't fall far from the tree.

Free Beer's stupid sister in law - toddlerfundler - 06-23-2008

I've stayed with friends, family, and friend's family. No matter where I'm staying I try to balance my positive and negitive impacts on the house.
Bring the beer, eat some food.
Help with chores, sleep in the spare room.
Shingle the roof, sleep with your sister.

That's the way it's suposed to work.. If your gonna show up, balance it out.