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Tell me how my taint looks! audio suggestions - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Tell me how my taint looks! audio suggestions (/showthread.php?tid=391)

Tell me how my taint looks! audio suggestions - sleazykeyz - 06-24-2008

I believe this was so hilarious that it deserves its own thread. It definetaly needs to be put up in the audio section on the website too. Lord that was hilarious. Considering the other audio section of the website is dead, this definetaly needs to go on there, along with the "the word is NAAAAAVE" clip. Any other suggestions for other audio?

Tell me how my taint looks! audio suggestions - derek - 06-25-2008

Someone that has the podcast should rip it, or send it to me, i can rip it

Tell me how my taint looks! audio suggestions - Howie Feltersnatch - 06-25-2008

J-j- Joe Jigga Jigga Joe!

I've always wanted that as a ringtone

Tell me how my taint looks! audio suggestions - johnsona2 - 06-25-2008

This had me pissing my pants on my way to work. Not only did this bit have the best lyrics, but does this not give you funniest visual image ever? Producer Joe face to face with Zane's gooch. Priceless.