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Kurt Busch - Printable Version

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Kurt Busch - madchild - 06-25-2008

Who else thinks kurt busch has been an intern for waaayyyyy to long? Yea I like him and hes funny when hes on the show but how long can you work for free and intern for?

Go get a real damn job fool!

Kurt Busch - zig - 06-26-2008

I want Kurt Busch to be an intern well into his 40's. He can manage. It's not like he's got anything better to do. The time most people spend cleaning and bathing, Kurt can divert towards being an intern.

Kurt Busch - Howie Feltersnatch - 06-26-2008

I'm still pissed at that a-hole...he and I had several 'back and forths' about one of his guitar hero/rockband guitar stands...I was to buy one un-painted with everyone's signiture on it and then I would clearcoat over it....the sob never billed me

Kurt Busch - thebigfreeze - 06-26-2008

I agree, Kurt should stay forever!! I wish Milton would stay forever too. And hasn't Dewy Cox been there for sometime now too?

Kurt Busch - peytonwqlz - 06-26-2008

I think Kurt Busch should stay FOREVER! He can never leave. Him and Dewey!! Life long interns!!

Kurt Busch - Wiener Poopie - 06-26-2008

Kurt Busch - Howie Feltersnatch - 06-26-2008


Kurt Busch - Howie Feltersnatch - 06-26-2008

actually if i could get those drops...they'd make a good ringtone!

Kurt Busch - residentialevil - 06-26-2008

I started listening at the beginning of the summer last year and it seems like IKB has been there ever since. I think they said he only comes in once a week now but yeah, he's been there a very long time for an intern. I wonder how many have come and gone since he's been there.

Dewey has been there a while too.

Kurt Busch - mudroomdonna - 06-26-2008

Kurt Busch - Marry me?

I can't be you sugar momma and I don't have any frequent flyer miles to fly you out to Vegas and I may be engaged, but it's cool. I ALSO like drinking! We can sit and play Metal Gear Solid 4.

Kurt Busch - Queenie - 06-26-2008

madchild Wrote:Who else thinks kurt busch has been an intern for waaayyyyy to long? Yea I like him and hes funny when hes on the show but how long can you work for free and intern for?

Go get a real damn job fool!

They were making fun of him this morning saying that the well spoken Cuban had gone and got a real job and there is life after internship.

Kurt Busch - plungerhand - 06-26-2008

Who in their right mind would give an internship? Surely they have some source of income as they aren't there on a daily basis.

Kurt Busch - mudroomdonna - 06-26-2008

jus' P Wrote:Who in their right mind would give an internship? Surely they have some source of income as they aren't there on a daily basis.

Um. They're students. College credit. I had an internship and a part time job while in school.

Kurt Busch - plungerhand - 06-26-2008

Mud Room Donna Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:Who in their right mind would give an internship? Surely they have some source of income as they aren't there on a daily basis.

Um. They're students. College credit. I had an internship and a part time job while in school.

duh, I know they're students, that wasn't my point. I meant I would make at last as long as possible.

Kurt Busch - Queenie - 06-26-2008

jus' P Wrote:
Mud Room Donna Wrote:Um. They're students. College credit. I had an internship and a part time job while in school.

duh, I know they're students, that wasn't my point. I meant I would make at last as long as possible.

Yeah so you could get all the hot chicks.

Kurt Busch - nukethekids - 06-26-2008

Producer Kurt Busch FTW! Joe's getting boring and cocky, plus the lettuce and fat fell off of his head so there's not much substance left.

Kurt Busch - lovinlife70 - 06-28-2008

nukethekids Wrote:Producer Kurt Busch FTW! Joe's getting boring and cocky, plus the lettuce and fat fell off of his head so there's not much substance left.

NOW Joe's a hottie... I wouldn't do him but he is a hottie, although you are right his disposition has changed drastically... he is not Joe...

Kurt Busch - Mark the Valet - 06-28-2008

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks Joe's kind of a dick lately.

Kurt Busch - zig - 06-28-2008

Mark the Valet Wrote:Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks Joe's kind of a dick lately.
Don't worry, if he gets too bad Zane will fire him.

Kurt Busch - madchild - 06-28-2008

yea what happend to ari zane sex agent? was that getting to serious?

Kurt Busch - silversurge - 06-29-2008

Kurt Bush is awesome, I glike the way talks on the show and the drops hes famous for, oh yea sounds real funny

Kurt Busch - mikeoxhard - 06-29-2008

If I could intern there, I would, and I would stay as long as humanly possible.
Kurt Busch is lucky they let him stay!
I wish Bennercrombie had stayed longer, it was funny when they got all him riled up.

Kurt Busch - moobsminger - 06-29-2008

nukethekids Wrote:Producer Kurt Busch FTW! Joe's getting boring and cocky, plus the lettuce and fat fell off of his head so there's not much substance left.

I completely agree. I vote for Kurt Busch replacing Joe. Fat, angry Joe was my favorite, but cocky, mellow Joe is boring. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. - Current Joe reminds me of Joe from Family Guy when he got new legs and could walk. PJ's always rock climbing and biking, so he's no fun, just like Joe from Family Guy. FB, HW, and EZ need to gang up on Producer Joe and paralyze him to bring back the old Joe.

Anyway, I.K.B. has the underdog quality that Joe used to have. I seriously want him to get a job with the show, even if it's part time.

Kurt Busch - moobsminger - 06-29-2008

madchild Wrote:yea what happend to ari zane sex agent? was that getting to serious?

I think they just realized the bit wasn't going anywhere because they couldn't share the pics, and it was just the same thing over and over. "Hey Joe, a girl digs ya. I'll tell her to send pics for my own enjoyment because the listeners can't see them." - It was fun at first, but after a few days, I was really hoping they would move on.