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wheel of what can Zane do - Printable Version

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wheel of what can Zane do - Mad Dog - 06-26-2008

Hey , I think that since Zane is soooo comfortable in his umpteenth win he seems too have too much of a home feild advantage. I propose that Zane if and when he looses next that HE should have to spin Joes wheel. that would be hillarious

wheel of what can Zane do - jimbozane - 06-27-2008

that's a great idea!!! the same should go for ElMatador as well......lose and take a spin at Joe's wheel

wheel of what can Zane do - smokejacklandslide - 06-27-2008

i think instead of re-inventing joe's wheel, so to speak, they should bring back the "What Have You Got To Lose? Challenge", with a twist, they tie it to losses in respective games, examples: zane loses DTZ, he spins the wheel and does something terrible
ElMatador lose STT, same applies.
Loser of Zane's favorite, Paired with an idiot, spins and the listener participant gets a 2 hour banning.

wheel of what can Zane do - kate - 06-27-2008

Good idea. I love Joe Stunts, don't get me wrong. but it'd be awesome to see zane, hotwings or freebeer have to do a stunt like the old days. Remember the banana eating in public? I died laughing.

wheel of what can Zane do - Mad Dog - 06-27-2008

The real problem is Freebeer because he does absolutely nothing competitive on his own and the rest of the guys would proberbly balk unless he was involved some how.

wheel of what can Zane do - deadmetal - 07-06-2008

Yeah Freebeer doesnt do any stunts at all he should at least do one I like when hotwings did his break danceing stunt

wheel of what can Zane do - Mad Dog - 07-16-2008

I didnt know hotwings could break dance!!