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NTT - Printable Version

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NTT - Queenie - 06-27-2008

DAMMIT . . . I missed most of that this morning. But song number 20 and Free Beers "cowboy" and gulp was pretty hilarious.

NTT - Titan! - 06-27-2008

It was NTT you didnt miss much

NTT - Howie Feltersnatch - 06-27-2008

I use to be a big advocate for NTT as it often brings on random awesomeness...but it's gotten really hit or miss....It's starting to suck more than it's worth. No 15 sec fight. No screaming. Not really any great word scrambles.


NTT - moradopato - 06-27-2008

In my opinion the big problem with NTT is they play a TON of stuff pre 1990 but only a smattering anything newer. I realize they are on some classic rock stations but when they play the newer stuff the guys tend to recall working at their first stations and other things that can lead to funny stories.

NTT - barbarian - 06-27-2008

I always thought it was funny when Zane would yell his name really loud and fast when he new the song but he hasn't done that in a while that I recall.

NTT - Queenie - 06-27-2008

barbarian Wrote:I always thought it was funny when Zane would yell his name really loud and fast when he new the song but he hasn't done that in a while that I recall.

That's because he doesn't know the songs . . just a thought. :o

NTT - barbarian - 06-27-2008

Queenie Wrote:
barbarian Wrote:I always thought it was funny when Zane would yell his name really loud and fast when he new the song but he hasn't done that in a while that I recall.

That's because he doesn't know the songs . . just a thought. :o

When he knows the songs he doesn't do it either, princess. Wink

NTT - desiree - 06-29-2008

I have always been a huge NTT fan, it always entertains me.

On another note, I didn't listen for a few months did they stop playing the first words challange?

NTT - providencecrow - 06-29-2008

desiree Wrote:I have always been a huge NTT fan, it always entertains me.

On another note, I didn't listen for a few months did they stop playing the first words challange?

A couple weeks ago. They had a really bad string of nothing but horrid contestants that wouldnt even guess like 3 weeks in a row and just pulled the ripcord on it. The last one where they finally decided to end it was just plain painful to listen to

NTT - gatormouth - 06-29-2008

I don't hate anything about the show, but NTT has never been one of my favorite segments. I like music and all, but it just seems to drag on too long. Though it is funny when they rip on Joe for using songs that nobody has ever heard.

NTT - ashleykme - 06-29-2008

I don't know why, but NTT is one of my favorite segments, I always look forward to it

NTT - alpacafarmer - 06-29-2008

love ntt... always leads to something funny

NTT - potthole - 06-29-2008

Boy, some people say they want WHWT gone, Sporter than Thou gone, NTT gone... what does that leave left? The all, "Dumber Than Zane" show?

NTT - drdirtybandage - 06-30-2008

For some reason, I love all the segments of the show. NTT is my highlight for friday. Heck it's a competition friday with segments since Sportier than thou kicks it off and then people can win a refurbished i-pod with NTT. How can NTT be horrible?