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Poor Little Fella - Printable Version

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Poor Little Fella - desiree - 06-29-2008

We were on our way home from breakfast this morning when I noticed something on the ground. As I drove by it my husband and I noticed it was a turtle. We decided to turn around and go pick it up. As we made our way back to him we noticed, not suprisingly, that someone did not do what I had done and which was not run it over. It was a messy dead turtle and all that ran through my head was "and now he's dead"!

Poor Little Fella - Allyson - 06-29-2008

That's actually rather depressing :'( (Waa I'm sad about stuff). Yet made me laugh.

Poor Little Fella - almighty - 06-29-2008

I like turtles.

Or rather, I wike toedles.

Poor Little Fella - Titan! - 06-30-2008

I think that people who hit animals intentionally with their cars deserve to have the license suspended for 5 years.

Poor Little Fella - tammyinnashville - 06-30-2008

Oh my lord. I cry everytime I see something like that happen. My dad did it one time to a possum, take it I was about 7 months pregnant when he did it, but I threw a bitch fit over it and screamed and cried for a whole day because I just so happened to be in the car with him.

On another note, I would have done the same as you. I see turtles on our road all the time and I stop to give them a helping hand.

Poor Little Fella - Wiener Poopie - 06-30-2008

We had a deer the size of a goat across the street being attacked by two pit bulls, if I would have had my pistol on me those dogs would have been taking dirt naps.

Poor Little Fella - Queenie - 06-30-2008

11 deer have jumped out in front of (or onto) my vehicle while driving. The worst was a doe that hit my driver's side window. It was a good thing that she was too big to fit through that window, she would have kicked me to death!!

Poor Little Fella - fistor!@# - 06-30-2008

Queenie Wrote:11 deer have jumped out in front of (or onto) my vehicle while driving. The worst was a doe that hit my driver's side window. It was a good thing that she was too big to fit through that window, she would have kicked me to death!!

Homer: "D'oh!"

Lisa: "A deer!"

Marge: "A female deer!"

Poor Little Fella - Wiener Poopie - 06-30-2008

Queenie Wrote:11 deer have jumped out in front of (or onto) my vehicle while driving. The worst was a doe that hit my driver's side window. It was a good thing that she was too big to fit through that window, she would have kicked me to death!!

This was a helpless faun, if it had been full grown I likely would have looked the other way.

Poor Little Fella - dasbow - 06-30-2008

I ran over a prairie dog in Montana. There's a little prairie dog town (that's what they call then, really) just off the highway that you can drive through. I was doing about 2 mph and the little bugger ran right up to the car and under the wheel. I felt really bad about it, but what can you do?

Poor Little Fella - Queenie - 06-30-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:11 deer have jumped out in front of (or onto) my vehicle while driving. The worst was a doe that hit my driver's side window. It was a good thing that she was too big to fit through that window, she would have kicked me to death!!

This was a helpless faun, if it had been full grown I likely would have likely looked the other way.

You probably would have wanted to watch. Some deer can be quite aggressive. If the mother to that fawn came along, there really would have been a show!!

Poor Little Fella - plungerhand - 06-30-2008

Queenie Wrote:11 deer have jumped out in front of (or onto) my vehicle while driving. The worst was a doe that hit my driver's side window. It was a good thing that she was too big to fit through that window, she would have kicked me to death!!

(Some people should take the bus)

Poor Little Fella - Queenie - 06-30-2008

jus' P Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:11 deer have jumped out in front of (or onto) my vehicle while driving. The worst was a doe that hit my driver's side window. It was a good thing that she was too big to fit through that window, she would have kicked me to death!!

(Some people should take the bus)

Actually, I don't have to drive anymore. My husband is so sweet, he drives me everywhere. I was really starting to get worried about the deer population, but as everyone knows, men are better drivers than women, so I have the expert behind the wheel now and the deer are safe.

Poor Little Fella - Titan! - 06-30-2008

I decapitated a bird with my truck.

Poor Little Fella - dasbow - 06-30-2008

I hit a jackrabbit doing about 100 or so on US 89 along the Utah - Arizona border. If he wasn't so damn big the differential wouldn't have caught him. Helluva thump when it did.

Poor Little Fella - born2bone - 06-30-2008

thanks for the sad turtle story...Debbie Downer Sad

Poor Little Fella - plungerhand - 06-30-2008

but as everyone knows, men are better drivers than women, so I have the expert behind the wheel now and the deer are safe.
Amen sister! When you're right, you're right!

Poor Little Fella - Queenie - 06-30-2008

jus' P Wrote:but as everyone knows, men are better drivers than women, so I have the expert behind the wheel now and the deer are safe.
Amen sister! When you're right, you're right!

You married your sister?

Poor Little Fella - plungerhand - 06-30-2008

Queenie Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:but as everyone knows, men are better drivers than women, so I have the expert behind the wheel now and the deer are safe.
Amen sister! When you're right, you're right!

You married your sister?
I live in Nashville....It's the law

Poor Little Fella - Titan! - 06-30-2008

Brian Wrote:thanks for the sad turtle story...Debbie Downer Sad

LOL +1 for Debbie Downer !

Poor Little Fella - Titan! - 06-30-2008

Queenie Wrote:
jus' P Wrote:but as everyone knows, men are better drivers than women, so I have the expert behind the wheel now and the deer are safe.
Amen sister! When you're right, you're right!

You married your sister?

jus' P Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:You married your sister?
I live in Nashville....It's the law

OMFG ! ! ! This is some Funny @$$ Shizz !!!

This is why I come back to this board 27 times a day !

Keep it up peeps !

Poor Little Fella - Queenie - 06-30-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:You married your sister?

jus' P Wrote:I live in Nashville....It's the law

OMFG ! ! ! This is some Funny @$$ Shizz !!!

This is why I come back to this board 27 times a day !

Keep it up peeps !

You know it effer!!

Poor Little Fella - uhohspagettio - 06-30-2008

Queenie Wrote:11 deer have jumped out in front of (or onto) my vehicle while driving. The worst was a doe that hit my driver's side window. It was a good thing that she was too big to fit through that window, she would have kicked me to death!!

"I need a bambalance" "Who is this?" "Joe. The damn deer woke up and bit me in the neck and done kicked the shit out of my car"
