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Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Printable Version

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Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - sluttynurse - 07-01-2008

Does anyone else think there need to be new photos taken of the guys to reflect Joe's new slim look, and Eric Zane's new bro hair dye? Hotwings could maybe wear a colored shirt instead of blending in with white. Freebeer is perfect of course, but variety is the spice of life. Wink

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Wiener Poopie - 07-01-2008

And a picture of a slutty nurse.....

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - derek - 07-01-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:And a picture of a slutty nurse.....

I concur.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - dino - 07-01-2008

Derek Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:And a picture of a slutty nurse.....

I concur.

All in favor say I.


Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Titan! - 07-01-2008

Derek Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:And a picture of a slutty nurse.....

I concur.

See, I'm not the only one.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - tyla - 07-01-2008

I definitely think they need more pictures on the site!

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - beerbarella - 07-01-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:And a picture of a slutty nurse.....


*...picturing the guys dressed as slutty male nurses...

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - turf - 07-01-2008

they need a new website, period.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - madchild - 07-01-2008

yea update the website..im sure there is somebody out there that would do it for free or cheap.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Opus - 07-01-2008

I have volunteered on a number of occasions. They won't do it.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - sluttynurse - 07-02-2008

dino Wrote:
Derek Wrote:I concur.

All in favor say I.


I think you guys got a little off topic. Is my username really that distracting? Silly boys. Wink

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-02-2008

dino Wrote:
Derek Wrote:I concur.

All in favor say I.



Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - brosephina - 07-02-2008

I vote new pictures. Slutty nurse wouldn't hurt, but not completely necessary. With or without slutty nurse, need new pictures of the guys. It will help with my dreams of Joe.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - dino - 07-02-2008

sluttynurse Wrote:I think you guys got a little off topic. Is my username really that distracting? Silly boys. Wink

I have to disagree with you feeling that we slid off topic. This thread was about new pics on the website of the show.....slutty nurses are an integral part of the show.....therefore slutty nurse pictures should be vital to the web site.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-02-2008

[Image: 31239.jpg]

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - sluttynurse - 07-02-2008

dino Wrote:
sluttynurse Wrote:I think you guys got a little off topic. Is my username really that distracting? Silly boys. Wink

I have to disagree with you feeling that we slid off topic. This thread was about new pics on the website of the show.....slutty nurses are an integral part of the show.....therefore slutty nurse pictures should be vital to the web site.

The thread subject did say "new pictures of the guys" but now that I think about it, you're all right...a slutty nurse would make a welcome addition to their website.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-02-2008

this nurse...i don't like her so much anymore.... more cleavage less face....

maybe the resident nurse (forums own) should post a pic instead

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - dino - 07-02-2008

sluttynurse Wrote:The thread subject did say "new pictures of the guys" but now that I think about it, you're all right...a slutty nurse would make a welcome addition to their website.
I choose to ignore things that don't support my point. Smile

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - sluttynurse - 07-02-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:this nurse...i don't like her so much anymore.... more cleavage less face....

maybe the resident nurse (forums own) should post a pic instead

I was thinking that your nurse pic looked kinda transvestite-ish.

About posting my pic, I would...but my girlfriend won't allow it. She's a little possessive. Wink

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-02-2008

[Image: half-moon-sponge.jpg]

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - dino - 07-02-2008

sluttynurse Wrote:About posting my pic, I would...but my girlfriend won't allow it. She's a little possessive. Wink
She'd feel better about it if she was in it with you then.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - sluttynurse - 07-02-2008

dino Wrote:
sluttynurse Wrote:About posting my pic, I would...but my girlfriend won't allow it. She's a little possessive. Wink
She'd feel better about it if she was in it with you then.

Good point. I'll see if I can talk her into it. I can be very persuasive. :-*

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - brosephina - 07-02-2008

Yeah we need something better than that tranny nurse. Plus she's got lumpy thighs. Ew.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-03-2008

i'll look for a less lumpy nurse with less of a dick

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - residentialevil - 07-03-2008

turf Wrote:they need a new website, period.


For such a great radio show, they have one crappy website. It looks like it's put together by someone using the tutorial on Microsoft FrontPage. I made better websites when I was learning HTML in college over 10 years ago.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - theterribletwist - 07-03-2008

The website is definitely a little dated. It is amazing how powerful of a marketing tool a good website can be which is why they should upgrade (no offense to mywebtown).

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - residentialevil - 07-03-2008

I give offense to mywebtown. If they are taking money for that site, then they are ripping someone off.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - mayorofawesometown - 07-03-2008

sluttynurse Wrote:
dino Wrote:She'd feel better about it if she was in it with you then.

Good point. I'll see if I can talk her into it. I can be very persuasive. :-*

Picture or you're a dude.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - sluttynurse - 07-03-2008

mayorofawesometown Wrote:Picture or you're a dude.

That's quite a threat, but I promise I am definitely not a dude. But, like the new intern I am a little leery of posting my pic because of the mouth-breathing stalker types.

Besides, what guarantee would you have that my picture is really me if you doubt that I am a girl now?

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - Biff - 07-03-2008

sluttynurse Wrote:
mayorofawesometown Wrote:Picture or you're a dude.

That's quite a threat, but I promise I am definitely not a dude. But, like the new intern I am a little leery of posting my pic because of the mouth-breathing stalker types.

Excellent call.

Website Needs New Pictures of the Guys - stalker - 07-09-2008

Whats wrong with stalker types? I'm sure deep down you think about being stalked!