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The Worst Thing... - Printable Version

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The Worst Thing... - xxsloshxx - 07-08-2008

Happened... I moved closer to work which means when I'm driving home in the morning I can't listen to FBHW for but 10 minutes before coming home and having to take care of my daughter. Yeah I download the podcast but it takes forever on my brand spankin new crappy connection. I need help. I feel like just driving around in circles for an extra 50 minutes to make up for everything. I just had to share with everyone.


The Worst Thing... - residentialevil - 07-08-2008

You don't have a radio in your house?

The Worst Thing... - providencecrow - 07-08-2008

Or internet? There are many ways to listen to the show if you're awake, which apparently you are.

The Worst Thing... - Philly Mike - 07-08-2008

yeah you can check those show related links as a stickey on top of the rest of the posts, they have this webcast thing, I am sure you could get that if you are able to post here. hey you could even get that with a phone too if you use this link