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Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - Printable Version

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Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - moobsminger - 07-16-2008

Kaboobie to one and all.

I just felt like starting a thread to remember the failed attempts at nicknaming interns. I'll start it below.

Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - moobsminger - 07-16-2008

Klalex - Bowl-Cut Alex, Red Bull Alex, Red Bull-Cut Alex
Bennercrombie Zoolander - Handsome Ben
Frank Small Talk - Jiri Hudler
Milton - Jeffcat Goldthwait

Can you think of any others?

Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - fistor!@# - 07-16-2008

Buttplug Bob

Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - broyoder - 07-18-2008

Zane's great suggestion of Gaston for Benercrombie. From some cartoon his kids watch. That was right after the toothpicks incident!

Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - ratrad - 07-18-2008

broyoder Wrote:Zane's great suggestion of Gaston for Benercrombie. From some cartoon his kids watch. That was right after the toothpicks incident!

Gaston is the hunky handsome jerk in Beauty and the Beast, I believe.

I have a daughter.

Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - fistor!@# - 07-18-2008

ratrad Wrote:
broyoder Wrote:Zane's great suggestion of Gaston for Benercrombie. From some cartoon his kids watch. That was right after the toothpicks incident!

Gaston is the hunky handsome jerk in Beauty and the Beast, I believe.

I have a daughter.

He has antlers in all his decorating.....

3 kids

Intern nicknames that didn't catch on - moobsminger - 08-05-2008

I know it was a while back, but it made my day when Zane read this post on the air. I really try to start interesting threads, so to have that kind of validation made me happy. -Thanks Zane