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Standers VS Sitters - Printable Version

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Standers VS Sitters - shananagains88 - 07-16-2008


Anyone else convert their wiping habits after the extensive breakdown of the proper way to wipe your ass?

FYI I did give up my animalistic ways and started sitting to wipe like a big boy.....Thanks Fellas

Standers VS Sitters - Allyson - 07-16-2008

Until that bit I never knew there was any other way to do it. I was always a sitter.

Standers VS Sitters - uhohspagettio - 07-16-2008

I didn't hear the bit, but I have always wiped while sitting down, front to back with the paper folded.

Standers VS Sitters - born2bone - 07-16-2008

I ALWAYS stand up when I wipe, I tried it once sitting down and It felt so effing weird...I thought my hand was gonna touch the toilet water.

Standers VS Sitters - zanessweater - 07-16-2008

I didn't hear the bit either - you're supposed to STAND UP?? Won't the turd-butter smush on your inner ass cheeks that way?? ??? ???

Standers VS Sitters - dino - 07-17-2008

Until that segment, it wasn't something I put a whole lot of thought into. I just did it and didn't mull over it. Guess I had better things to think of.....or so I thought. Then they put the debate over the air waves of this great nation and it changed my wiping ways for ever. I am now a proud sitter! I have see the error of my ways.

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-17-2008

Allyson Wrote:Until that bit I never knew there was any other way to do it. I was always a sitter.

must be for number one cause hot chicks don't number 2

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-17-2008

i'm a sorta stander....I'm like all spread out and squatty...high enough to see over the stall wall and make things awkward but low enough to keep my ass from clenching shut

Standers VS Sitters - weegee - 07-17-2008

I laughed at all the standers, for their foolishness. Then, a few weeks later, I was wiping, and I realized i had been standing the whole time! I tried sitting down, but just couldn't do it. My hand barely squeezed through, and when I got it down there, I was afraid I was gonna hit water.

Standers VS Sitters - billyj - 07-18-2008

I was a firm stander but my crack sometimes itched for the rest of the day. I hate the mechanics of wiping and sitting but it is much more efficient and no more itching!

Standers VS Sitters - elranito - 07-18-2008

Allyson Wrote:Until that bit I never knew there was any other way to do it. I was always a sitter.

Standers VS Sitters - mr10homodance - 07-18-2008

my first is always sittin. if more is needed then i will stand.

Standers VS Sitters - Wiener Poopie - 07-18-2008


Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-18-2008

my motto: The last wipe is always a baby wipe...

Standers VS Sitters - plungerhand - 07-18-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:my motto: The last wipe is always a baby wipe...

Spoken like a true father! I've been buying diapers and wipes for 15 years!!!! My 3 year old is finally potty trained.

What am I gonna do with all that extra cash???

Standers VS Sitters - mr10homodance - 07-18-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:my motto: The last wipe is always a baby wipe...

does that mean you have a stock pile of baby wipes at work?

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-18-2008

mr10homodance Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:my motto: The last wipe is always a baby wipe...

does that mean you have a stock pile of baby wipes at work?

i try not to deuce at work...i stated this in a previous thread somewhere...paperthin walls....not so much that i'm noisy but i can hear everyone else.

I do go in there and pretend to poo because there is a huge air conditiner vent in a very small room so it's like a freezer...when i'm outside working and come back in burning up i go stake claim on the toilet for a good ten minutes

Standers VS Sitters - mr10homodance - 07-18-2008

i like deucing at work. taking a crap and getting paid for it is a win win situation.

Standers VS Sitters - dino - 07-18-2008

I love dropping deuces at work!
I have my own bathroom, with the exception of sharing it with the owner of the company, and have complete privacy. It's relaxing and leads to a better overall....ummmm...experience?

Does this fall under the definition of TMI?????

Standers VS Sitters - berddavey - 07-20-2008

Won't that last drop of pee run down your leg everytime? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

Standers VS Sitters - poragent - 07-22-2008

I have been a sitter since day one....

Funny thing about deucing at work: we just moved our office, and now I have to share the unisex dumper with 2 female co-workers and one male (my boss). I don't give an ess-hit about sharing with my boss, but I'm afraid to feed the sewer rats with two dainty ladies in the office. To dump or not to dump....that is the question. Oh, the dilemmas!!!!

Standers VS Sitters - Wiener Poopie - 07-22-2008

mr10homodance Wrote:i like deucing at work. taking a crap and getting paid for it is a win win situation.

YES! We would get along very well

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-22-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:
mr10homodance Wrote:i like deucing at work. taking a crap and getting paid for it is a win win situation.

YES! We would get along very well

while i agree i don't like being away from home/shower.

i'm very ineficient at cleanup

Standers VS Sitters - Biff - 07-22-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:YES! We would get along very well

while i agree i don't like being away from home/shower.

i'm very ineficient at cleanup

I just exalted Beckyp but I'm going to have to go ahead and smite you in about 50 minutes.

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-22-2008

Admin Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:while i agree i don't like being away from home/shower.

i'm very ineficient at cleanup

I just exalted Beckyp but I'm going to have to go ahead and smite you in about 50 minutes.


[drop]waaahhh I'm sad about stuff[/drop]

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-22-2008

[Image: StandSit2.gif]

Standers VS Sitters - kapalua2483 - 07-23-2008

Sorry still a filthy Mongrel here. I still stand when I wipe and I will NEVER change. Sorry but I am not converting and nobody will tell me different. I'll even throw it out there I sit while doing #1 too. *waits for the bash to begin*

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-23-2008

kapalua2483 Wrote:Sorry still a filthy Mongrel here. I still stand when I wipe and I will NEVER change. Sorry but I am not converting and nobody will tell me different. I'll even throw it out there I sit while doing #1 too. *waits for the bash to begin*

for the good of the forum i'm gonna try and wipe sitting...if i don't come back than it's because i had to go home and shower

Standers VS Sitters - scooterfanatic - 07-23-2008

A long time ago before the show even existed I was informed of the proper way to wipe. You can't wipe effectively when standing up, you just can't unless you have some sort of buttcheek-spreading apparatus.

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-23-2008

scooterfanatic Wrote:A long time ago before the show even existed I was informed of the proper way to wipe. You can't wipe effectively when standing up, you just can't unless you have some sort of buttcheek-spreading apparatus.

it's called a good ol' fashioned 'hunker' you hunker down like a catcher but not as low...then everything spreads out and you can get in nice and deep like

Standers VS Sitters - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-23-2008

wait are we talking about going number 2?

Standers VS Sitters - upperdeckercourt - 07-26-2008

I too was a stander and knew no other way. Now I've been converted to a...well, a squatter, I guess. Still standing, but just barely...