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Intro Song? - Printable Version

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Intro Song? - mcaulifn - 07-17-2008

Anyone know what the intro song is that they use at 6 AM? Been looking for a while now, can't seem to find anything.

Intro Song? - Wiener Poopie - 07-17-2008


Intro Song? - wkbrdr - 07-17-2008

is it the same ZZ top they used a few mins ago?

Intro Song? - hotwings - 07-17-2008

It's the opening riff from a song called "Too High For The Supermarket" from a now defunct Santa Monica, CA band called The Uninvited. We had 'em on the show a few times back in the Omaha days.

Intro Song? - Queenie - 07-17-2008

I really enjoyed the different bump music. Good idea guys!!

Intro Song? - mcaulifn - 07-17-2008

Thanks! I love that intro. Now just have to find it...

Intro Song? - broyoder - 07-17-2008

I loved John the Baptist...er...John the fisherman

Intro Song? - mystylady - 07-23-2008

I miss the old intro song. Any chance they'll bring it back? I was absent for about a week and when I came back, it was gone.

Intro Song? - lokizilla - 07-24-2008

I love the variety. It makes it seem more of a montage of their personalities now, instead of just one mass song.

Intro Song? - yewt - 07-24-2008

Sean The Methhead Trucker actually had a good suggestion of the Boomslang song.

Any reason it wont be like tested to see if it fits?

Intro Song? - hydrasport205 - 07-25-2008

I dig the Primus tune, might I suggest Just One Fix- Ministry....that would be sweet

Intro Song? - providencecrow - 07-25-2008

hydrasport205 Wrote:I dig the Primus tune, might I suggest Just One Fix- Ministry....that would be sweet

Great song, but i personally don't think it would be very good bumper music.