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Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - Printable Version

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Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - fullcollapse9 - 07-17-2008

does anyone know the comment joe made into a microphone that they couldn't say on air was? They said it was from superbad but i can't think of the line. It was mentioned during the CWTTAB segment this morning.

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - Allyson - 07-17-2008

I think it was "She used my leg as a tampon," or something like that, but I'm not sure.

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - zeb - 07-17-2008

what part of the movie was it in? i could easily find it

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - Allyson - 07-17-2008

When they follow that creepy guy back to his friend's house to get alcohol and get caught up in that crazy party.

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - fullcollapse9 - 07-17-2008

ah yeah i was thinking it was going to be along those lines. That would be nice to hear while eating at a family restaurant!

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - zeb - 07-17-2008

im looking up an online script that has everything all on one page. i can get it

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - freebeer - 07-17-2008

Joe said, into a microphone, while the hot chick had her leg wrapped around me in front of everyone, "Oh my God, Free Beer's got period blood on him!"


Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - fistor!@# - 07-17-2008

freebeer Wrote:Joe said, into a microphone, while the hot chick had her leg wrapped around me in front of everyone, "Oh my God, Free Beer's got period blood on him!"


Someone in the restaraunt had to be pouring ketchup on their fries at that precise moment....

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - fullcollapse9 - 07-17-2008

freebeer Wrote:Joe said, into a microphone, while the hot chick had her leg wrapped around me in front of everyone, "Oh my God, Free Beer's got period blood on him!"


Awesome. thank you, sir!

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - Philly Mike - 07-17-2008

freebeer Wrote:Joe said, into a microphone, while the hot chick had her leg wrapped around me in front of everyone, "Oh my God, Free Beer's got period blood on him!"


Now this is a useful point to having the board, what they can't say on air can be said here.

Actually it is the beautiful thing about the Internet, whenever they have to dump you still get all the goods.Smile

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - providencecrow - 07-17-2008

Yeah i damn near dropped my beer when he said that one, it was devistating.

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - leighlee - 08-06-2008

dumb question.... but did that really happen? Or was he just quoting the movie?

Joe's comment that they couldn't say on air - LimpBagel - 08-09-2008

Did this come up during the bizarro time warp where zane f'ed up the podcast?

If it wasn't on the podcast, it didn't happen.