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WCJD- Carney- Beeped Grand Rapids. Why? - Printable Version

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WCJD- Carney- Beeped Grand Rapids. Why? - zack - 07-18-2008

Hey guys,

When Joe asked the carney where she was from, she obv replies Grand Rapids to which Joe replies Grand Rapids and says "so you are from here"

Why was that beeped out? Why the secrecy as to where you are located?

I don't think those of us here in Nashville are gonna start an uprising "cause theres some damn yankees on the radio!"

WCJD- Carney- Beeped Grand Rapids. Why? - Biff - 07-18-2008

It may have had a cuss word intelligently disguised as an adjective.

WCJD- Carney- Beeped Grand Rapids. Why? - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-18-2008

I was thinking she replied with a Wyoming...that result in a GR? response wouldn't it?