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Thank Goodness for FB&HW&Z - Printable Version

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Thank Goodness for FB&HW&Z - bigbird - 07-18-2008

I am soooo glad to finally have a descent morning show in my area, F. Bob & Tom and the goofy locals here in Cornville, Illinois. I laugh my butt off all the way to work then listen when I get to work. I enjoy your sick senses of humor and stunts. Hope to see you next time y'all get back up this way(Springfield) to Cornville, Illinois. I'll keep spreading the good word and convert the local corncobs to listen to ya, you're just what the mid west needed!!!

Thank Goodness for FB&HW&Z - Biff - 07-18-2008

Welcome aboard bigbird!

Thank Goodness for FB&HW&Z - ratrad - 07-18-2008

bigbird Wrote:I am soooo glad to finally have a descent morning show in my area, F. Bob & Tom and the goofy locals here in Cornville, Illinois. I laugh my butt off all the way to work then listen when I get to work. I enjoy your sick senses of humor and stunts. Hope to see you next time y'all get back up this way(Springfield) to Cornville, Illinois. I'll keep spreading the good word and convert the local corncobs to listen to ya, you're just what the mid west needed!!!

I second that! 8-)