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FBHW Youtube Video Post - Printable Version

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FBHW Youtube Video Post - shananagains88 - 07-18-2008

Check out some Free Beer and Hotwings show inspired editing work done to the show.


FBHW Youtube Video Post - Opus - 07-18-2008

Dude.. you have spammed this board multiple times with your link. Knock it off.

FBHW Youtube Video Post - Philly Mike - 07-18-2008

Opus is right, just set the damn youtube page as your homepage link in your profile, if anyone wants to go to it they will click, but please quit it as far as the posts go, it's kind of annoying.

FBHW Youtube Video Post - shananagains88 - 07-18-2008

Sorry.....just tryin to get the word out about the show.

FBHW Youtube Video Post - marcalle - 07-19-2008

What do you mean trying to get the word out? This whole forum is fro the show!

FBHW Youtube Video Post - shananagains88 - 07-19-2008

Noooo.......my youtube show. Just lay the Eff off people. I'm not gonna post the message anywhere else. O-tay? Thanks