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Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - Printable Version

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Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - Mad Dog - 07-19-2008

Wow did Freebeer EVER let Zane have it over his last interruption of Weird Al. For a second there I think Freebeer was actually pissed. Funny as hell though. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. :o

Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - uhohspagettio - 07-19-2008

Still not as good as FBs interuption of Dave Winfield awhile back. FB was probably pissed that Zane was stealing his interviewing technique. Also they mentioned how the message board thinks Zane interrupts all the time.

Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - berddavey - 07-20-2008

He does interupt ALL the time. That is not what bothers me though, its his constant muttering to "himself" after he gets pissed off. It's a bit annoying. Can't hear anyone else, like Weird Al.

Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - born2bone - 07-20-2008

Im so glad zane did that! it was funny as hell!

Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - yewt - 07-20-2008

Zanes interruptions are amazing. Some of the best moments came from his interuptions

Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - peachs - 07-21-2008

I've got a problem with interrupting ppl when they talk... I'm working on it though... lol

Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - Queenie - 07-21-2008

It definitely pisses me off. especially when he keeps on and on. With regard to the comment about people on the message board saying he interrupts all the time . . . guilty, i've posted that comment quite a few times!

Don't interrupt me while I'm Interrupting you - plungerhand - 07-21-2008

Growing up I was severly punished for even thinking about interrupting. Now a-days, it's the norm.