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Are they ever - Printable Version

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Are they ever - dasbow - 07-21-2008

going to post pictures of Zane on his G-D scooter? You know, before he painted it pink.

Are they ever - Mad Dog - 07-22-2008

hell, they havent even talked about it lately

Are they ever - broyoder - 07-22-2008

They were even talking at one time of a video. I would love to see that too!

Are they ever - mayorofawsometown - 07-25-2008

Speaking of Zane's scooter, I have to listen to the lite music station at work. Shortly after he got the scooter, one morning the Lite DJ came on the air (about 10:15) and apologized for being out of breath. Apparently she almost got ran over in the hall by a scooter. (hmm... who could that have been?) Did they talk about this at all on air? I almost peed in my chair listening to her saying that!