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Funniest FBHW segment/moment - Printable Version

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Funniest FBHW segment/moment - ilikedrinking - 06-18-2008

I know everyone has a favorite moment(s) from FBHW show. Mine include any story from Zanes life, Dumber than Zane Trivia as a whole, and the arguments caused by Joe putting Big Baggers in the Name That Tune list. What are some of yours?

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - speedbump - 06-18-2008

Zane's hamster story.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - dudeshadoway - 06-18-2008

There was a bit last March during Can't Wait To Talk About Blank. Zane came in with a story about his physical therapist working on his lower back, and it turned into a story about Zane getting raped. It was hilarious.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - toddswifeluvsblack - 06-18-2008

when they had the 2 chinese restuarants talking to each other that was so funny they need to release a cd or but all there old stuff on line i love that stuff

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - ilikedrinking - 06-18-2008

Hamster Story....Classic! Wink

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - vino - 06-18-2008

I like whenever Zane talks about his family. Always funny.

Also when they comment on a particular TV show like American Idol.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - rag1ncaucasian - 06-18-2008

i loved the story about the guy in texas that shot the 2 robbers. made me piss myself laughing

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - hussywoman - 06-18-2008

i was crying at work the other day hearing about the blind lady and how she never confused the fridge and treadmill ;D and then her son called and said her eyes look like someone took a hand mixer and shoved it in there. so great!!

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mistereleven - 06-18-2008


Funniest FBHW segment/moment - Titan! - 06-18-2008

about 2 or so years ago at Christmas time they were talking about tipping the garbage man, and the mailman, etc.

There was a minger listener who called in and called Hot Wings an arrogant bitch and I literally laughed so hard I spit my coffeee all over my computer screen.

I really think they need to dig that one out of the vault and make it a drop for the opening montage of the show.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - potthole - 06-18-2008

It's difficult for me to even choose one single moment, however the one story/moment that is almost always one of the first things to pop into mind when I think about the show is Zane's hamster story.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mudroomdonna - 06-18-2008

A new fav: The story about Zane's older daughter getting the giant splinter shoved under her toenail...And he tried to poke through the nail with a hot needle to release what he thought was blood/pressure...We just about died hearing that one.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - richkvegas - 06-18-2008

My favorite has to be Zane's Upper Decker Story. Plunger arm was also great.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - drdirtybandage - 06-19-2008

How can you not forget the day that Hot Wings overslept and they sent "Intern Joe" to Hot Wing's house. The icing on the cake was the infamous "F" Bomb HW let out when he realized he called the "Hot Line" when the show was on the air.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - chadillac - 06-19-2008

Zane's ball sacks, the bologna fight, and all the word scrambles.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - dna19 - 06-19-2008

A few years ago when A woman wrote a book about excercising with you cat, and I think Zane went into the other room and they called the woman. Zane acted like a listener, started to do what the woman said and it turned out to be a Bobcat. I can't quite remember all the details

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mermantiger - 06-19-2008

Hamster story, for sure.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - Queenie - 06-19-2008

It would have to be about the woman who fell on a knife and it stuck in her head and she insisted on letting her husband, who was working nearby, know of the accident. After the interview, FBHW said, "well I hope you and your husband are doing well" and the woman said (right at the perfect moment between beats in the Rocky theme song) "He died" . . . OMG that was freakin hilarious!!

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mermantiger - 06-19-2008

The dead husband moment is definitely in my top 5 of favorite show moments.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mcnastie - 06-19-2008

It kills me when Zane starts making fun of people during Dumber than Zane trivia. I have to pull over the truck whenever they start the trivia.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - ratrad - 06-19-2008

Benercrombie's "Greig" controversy when they all walked out of the studio and left him in there.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - dman99 - 06-19-2008

I would have to say the word scrambles and when one of them gets pissed off and the others jump in and make them even more pissed. I love that they can do that and still be able to let it roll off their backs and keep the show going but it is funnier when they can't let it go and just get more flustered. I.E. Joe when Zane used to make fun of him or tells him he doesn't know how to do his job.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - cassierae - 06-19-2008

Frank small talk! Seriously, that guy had some nerve.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - madkathy - 06-19-2008

my favorite moment is the lawnmower incident. about 18 months ago, fb was reading the idiot of the day story about a guy who stole a snowmobile, except fb kept reading "lawnmower". hw finally said something like "wait-- he drove over the ice on a lawnmower?"
it still cracks me up.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - derkdiggler - 06-19-2008

My fave is the first time they brought up Zane's infatuation with Kyle Quincy, I was driving on the highway laughing so hard i nearly pulled over, also the one of Zane's daughter's "it's not my favorite thing".

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mayorofawesometown - 06-19-2008

The political attack ads have never stopped being funny. Joe's attack on HW is so damned devastating.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - sparkysteve - 06-19-2008

The hadley air horn. The dumber than zane siren.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mermantiger - 06-19-2008

madkathy Wrote:my favorite moment is the lawnmower incident. about 18 months ago, fb was reading the idiot of the day story about a guy who stole a snowmobile, except fb kept reading "lawnmower". hw finally said something like "wait-- he drove over the ice on a lawnmower?"
it still cracks me up.
Haha! I totally forgot about that. That was a great moment on the radio. I was so confused.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - potthole - 06-19-2008

sparkysteve Wrote:The hadley air horn. The dumber than zane siren.

Long after they are done doing the show, I will still be telling people about the air horn.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - raudy - 06-19-2008

i remember joe hosting a best of show on a saturday in GR. it happened to be the day that "there was explosions" omg too funny. i also heard "is the moon a planet or is the moon the moon", "land mammal a dolphin", and the "stupid siren" live as it happened.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - raudy - 06-19-2008

Also the recantation of the Joe and Ben show

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mav - 06-19-2008

The splinter under the toe nail from Charley's dump bout made me sick

Ball sacks was funny but got better when the had Dianne on the phone and she turned it around

But I really like the story about the youngest one wanting to go back the the ice cream stand the throw away her trash

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mizbehavin - 06-19-2008

Zanes sacks cracked me up...I wonder if he tripped over them as he was running up the stairs to get away from the dude in his dream?!?!? Big Grin

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - Biff - 06-19-2008

sparkysteve Wrote:The hadley air horn. The dumber than zane siren.

Drive thru the Burger King on 44th near Clyde Park and ask the old lady about that. She's still pissed.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - mdrye - 06-19-2008

one oF my favorites is when JT had tha cod ad was talking about the rampage dancer girls and they bet him up over that. Hearing it over and over again started to make me cry i was laughing so hard.
Also the pain song. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER THAT .

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - sweetmom - 06-19-2008

My fave segment was the time Zane told the story about letting out a nasty fart(hot zester) after a whitecaps game or griffins game and his brother in law puked from the smell. Oh I cried the day he told that one and everytime he mentions it. The story the ball sacks and the not my favorite thing(which my co workers and I use all the time).

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - myself - 06-19-2008

the funny moments on FB&HW are always when they cut someone down with insults like the "Dr.Phil" what hot wings think was a funny one and Zane getting "CUFFED" is hysterical, hamster story.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - drdirtybandage - 06-20-2008

How about the unveiling of the Mr 10 Video and the audio of FB, HW's and PJ watching it. Total devestation

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - smedley - 06-20-2008

The time Zane's wife hit a parked car with their new van and then blamed the person sitting in the car.

Funniest FBHW segment/moment - drdirtybandage - 06-20-2008

But it wasn't her fault....the woman was parked all "crazy" - way too funny.