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Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - Printable Version

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Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - fullcollapse9 - 07-24-2008

On my podcast, segment 9 about the army football player was repeated twice even though it was marked as DTZ rnd 1... and segment 11 is round 2

it also makes me upset when FreeBeer starts out the segment saying something like "Does the audience like the hilarity of our contestant"... makes me feel like i missed a good segment.

Can this be fixed?


Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - ratrad - 07-24-2008

OH CRAP. I'll be so pissed if I listen to my podcast and this is not fixed.

Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - theuninvited - 07-24-2008

Yea same problem here....I Emailed them, so hopefully it gets fixed tomorrow!!

Zane you inbread moron fix it!!!!!

Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - fullcollapse9 - 07-24-2008

It looks like there was an attempt to fix it but the audio that was reposted after "survivor man" is still the same as "army football player"

So it's still broken!

Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - smwoodcrafts - 07-24-2008

It seems like this happens about once a week. I have yet to see it fixed.

Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - ashleykme - 07-27-2008

Mine came out ok, did they repair it later?

Skipping DTZ Round 1 on podcast (7/23) - providencecrow - 07-28-2008

Seriously, maybe i'm just super awesome, but I apparently have 0 of these problems that people post about the podcast. The one exception was the segment the other week with the bumper music that got cut off.

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here, but you all use iTunes don't you?