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FB&HW comment box monday - Printable Version

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FB&HW comment box monday - keebler804 - 08-03-2008

In anticipation for the show's comment box reading monday, feel free to address your own "constructive compliments" in this post.

FB&HW comment box monday - misterfive - 08-03-2008

Joe needs to mix it up some with his, "How's it going, everybody." at the start of the show. They always say good or great. He always says, "nice." Boring.


Truncated swear words are dumb.

FB&HW comment box monday - potthole - 08-03-2008

I didn't really catch much of the show on Monday or Tuesday last week. Is the Comment Box something special they'll be doing on Monday?

FB&HW comment box monday - Biff - 08-03-2008

They left it out for other employees at the station to drop honest criticisms of the show. They seemed to think that Zane would take the brunt of it until they subtly hinted toward Joe taking the brunt for the Nikki (sp?) situation. And by subtly I mean they kept playing the drop of someone yelling "NIKKI!!".

FB&HW comment box monday - beckyp - 08-03-2008

Admin Wrote:They left it out for other employees at the station to drop honest criticisms of the show. They seemed to think that Zane would take the brunt of it until they subtly hinted toward Joe taking the brunt for the Nikki (sp?) situation. And by subtly I mean they kept playing the drop of someone yelling "NIKKI!!".

i would love to actually put something in that box at the station. it'd be something foul. goatse probably.

FB&HW comment box monday - Queenie - 08-03-2008

Jo Wrote:
Admin Wrote:They left it out for other employees at the station to drop honest criticisms of the show. They seemed to think that Zane would take the brunt of it until they subtly hinted toward Joe taking the brunt for the Nikki (sp?) situation. And by subtly I mean they kept playing the drop of someone yelling "NIKKI!!".

i would love to actually put something in that box at the station. it'd be something foul. goatse probably.

I thought about actually mailing something to the station . . . like Zane SHUT UP!!

FB&HW comment box monday - beckyp - 08-03-2008

Queenie Wrote:
Jo Wrote:i would love to actually put something in that box at the station. it'd be something foul. goatse probably.

I thought about actually mailing something to the station . . . like Zane SHUT UP!!

i'd word it differently and poke fun of his financial debt but yeah, "shut up" works too. Tongue

FB&HW comment box monday - Mark the Valet - 08-03-2008

Joe needs more on-air time.
Remember when they wanted to have Joe come in and run the board while Freebeer could have a mic open?
They should do that.

FB&HW comment box monday - naive - 08-03-2008

Admin Wrote:They left it out for other employees at the station to drop honest criticisms of the show. They seemed to think that Zane would take the brunt of it until they subtly hinted toward Joe taking the brunt for the Nikki (sp?) situation. And by subtly I mean they kept playing the drop of someone yelling "NIKKI!!".

Nikki situation?

FB&HW comment box monday - Titan! - 08-03-2008

-Naive- Wrote:
Admin Wrote:They left it out for other employees at the station to drop honest criticisms of the show. They seemed to think that Zane would take the brunt of it until they subtly hinted toward Joe taking the brunt for the Nikki (sp?) situation. And by subtly I mean they kept playing the drop of someone yelling "NIKKI!!".

Nikki situation?

Yes yes, I am expecting a mega bomb covering the Joe-Nikki-Intern Jenni situation

FB&HW comment box monday - dino - 08-04-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
-Naive- Wrote:Nikki situation?

Yes yes, I am expecting a mega bomb covering the Joe-Nikki-Intern Jenni situation
I think they will filter out anything too juicy. They've been pretty hush hush about that whole situation and they may want to keep it that way. But I think they'll still drop a couple "Joe's an ahole and he smells like pee" comments in there somewhere.

FB&HW comment box monday - youtubejake - 08-04-2008

This is for Free Beer,

Gregg, when you have interactions with listeners in real-life, don't feel you have to high-jack the conversation and fill all the uncomfortable pauses with your voice. I can hardly get a word in edge-wise and pisses me off everytime!

FB&HW comment box monday - beckyp - 08-04-2008

for Joe,

get better at your Effing job you talentless bastard.

FB&HW comment box monday - Rock Monster - 08-04-2008

Jo Wrote:for Joe,

get better at your effing job you talentless bastard.


FB&HW comment box monday - beckyp - 08-04-2008

Rock Monster Wrote:
Jo Wrote:for Joe,

get better at your effing job you talentless bastard.


well they wanted honesty and he ain't that great at doing Producer stuff....but that's just my opinion.

FB&HW comment box monday - Rock Monster - 08-04-2008

It's the Free Beer and Hotwings Show. Get over your Napoleon Complex, and quit trying to take over every show.

FB&HW comment box monday - bombsaway - 08-04-2008

I never listen to the best-of's. I get enough flashbacks, look backs and revisits during the week. Just kidding, I don't get enough flashbacks, look backs and revisits during the week.

FB&HW comment box monday - Titan! - 08-04-2008

Tell us how much you make

FB&HW comment box monday - roybundlz - 08-04-2008

I missed my chance to bitch about this a few weeks ago when they did a similar segment but what annoys me is the intro to "What Hotwings Thinks"....Hotwings, what hotwings thinks, with hotwings, brought to you by hotwings, sponsered by hotwings, its hotwings. what hotwings thinks...

a little exxagerated but you get the point...

FB&HW comment box monday - Titan! - 08-04-2008

This segment fell flat today, but I really hope they try it again, it has a lot of potential.

FB&HW comment box monday - dino - 08-04-2008

Titan ! Wrote:This segment fell flat today, but I really hope they try it again, it has a lot of potential.
Yeah.....seems like it had a lot of potential. I guess they work with a bunch of window lickers :Smile

FB&HW comment box monday - born2bone - 08-04-2008

Complaint to ALL the guys:

I think that you guys are all dicks for not posting on this message board more. We all spend a big chunk of our day posting all this stuff about you dick heads, and you dont even have the courtesy to post back. I know, I know you have posted like 2.3 messages each, but good god thats not enough!

I sit here at work all day long and instead of doing actual "work" I sit here and post stuff about your stupid asses, WHY DONT YOU GIVE SOMETHING BACK TO YOUR FANS AND TYPE SOME SHIT ON THE MESSAGE BOARDS!

FB&HW comment box monday - brytn - 08-04-2008

Brian Wrote:Complaint to ALL the guys:

I think that you guys are all dicks for not posting on this message board more. We all spend a big chunk of our day posting all this stuff about you dick heads, and you dont even have the courtesy to post back. I know, I know you have posted like 2.3 messages each, but good god thats not enough!

I sit here at work all day long and instead of doing actual "work" I sit here and post stuff about your stupid asses, WHY DONT YOU GIVE SOMETHING BACK TO YOUR FANS AND TYPE SOME SHIT ON THE MESSAGE BOARDS!

Someone's got a case of the Mondays! ;D

FB&HW comment box monday - Titan! - 08-04-2008

Maybe they do ? Perhaps the guys have more than one screen name ? They have their official screen names, but maybe Fistor is actually Joe. Or Queen of Whore Island is really Hot Wings.'

I'm just throwing that out there as a theory.

FB&HW comment box monday - Biff - 08-04-2008

-Naive- Wrote:
Admin Wrote:They left it out for other employees at the station to drop honest criticisms of the show. They seemed to think that Zane would take the brunt of it until they subtly hinted toward Joe taking the brunt for the Nikki (sp?) situation. And by subtly I mean they kept playing the drop of someone yelling "NIKKI!!".

Nikki situation?

Joe and his former girlfriend worked together at the flagship station and apparently their break-up caused some stress in the halls.

FB&HW comment box monday - Queenie - 08-04-2008

Titan ! Wrote:Maybe they do ? Perhaps the guys have more than one screen name ? They have their official screen names, but maybe Fistor is actually Joe. Or Queen of Whore Island is really Hot Wings.'

I'm just throwing that out there as a theory.

<<Hot Wings in drag . . .

FB&HW comment box monday - born2bone - 08-04-2008

Titan ! Wrote:Maybe they do ? Perhaps the guys have more than one screen name ? They have their official screen names, but maybe Fistor is actually Joe. Or Queen of Whore Island is really Hot Wings.'

I'm just throwing that out there as a theory.

Im still laughing at the thought of hotwings being "Queen of Whore Island"

FB&HW comment box monday - Queenie - 08-04-2008

[Image: drag-queen.jpg]

FB&HW comment box monday - misterfive - 08-04-2008

Beware women with "man hands". :o

FB&HW comment box monday - Titan! - 08-04-2008

Queenie, if you're really Hot Wings in drage, and Plungee is your husband, does that mean that Plungee is really Free Beer, and he's the pitcher and you're the catcher ?

FB&HW comment box monday - Queenie - 08-04-2008

Titan ! Wrote:Queenie, if you're really Hot Wings in drage, and Plungee is your husband, does that mean that Plungee is really Free Beer, and he's the pitcher and you're the catcher ?

As my grandmother would say . . . you are quite full of yourself today!

FB&HW comment box monday - Titan! - 08-05-2008

Queenie Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Queenie, if you're really Hot Wings in drage, and Plungee is your husband, does that mean that Plungee is really Free Beer, and he's the pitcher and you're the catcher ?

As my grandmother would say . . . you are quite full of yourself today!

Yes, but are you Hot Wings indeed the catcher ?

FB&HW comment box monday - Queenie - 08-05-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:As my grandmother would say . . . you are quite full of yourself today!

Yes, but are you Hot Wings indeed the catcher ?

[drop]whatever queer[/drop]