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Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Printable Version

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Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Mad Dog - 08-04-2008

This is in honor of Hot Wings getting blasted at Radio Conference last weekend.

Back in 1987 me and six of my friends bought Eighteen bottles of Boons farm to split between us and hit the road. We were out cruising the country roads in in central Michigan up by CMU and we found an old abandon farm house to play in.

I think about four of us, including myself, were big into playing Dungeon and Dragons, as the night progressed and we steadily got drunker, me and this other guy started to revert into our D&D characters. Since the character I played was a goodie two shoes called a "Paladin" (for those of you who don't know D&D speak a paladin is a knight who can't help himself but to run around and do good deeds) and my drunk buddy also played a paladin, Our empty wine bottles became swords and we ran up and down the road in front of the old house laughing and yelling "Smite the EEEVIL!!!"

It was getting dark about that time And two of the girls that were with our party came screaming out of the house "We saw a Ghost!!, we saw a Ghost!!!" They were acting like they like they were scared out of their minds. We took this as a challenge and drunkenly sprinted up into the house to kill a ghost or two.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - beckyp - 08-04-2008

i tried doing a "ring of fire" stunt on a bicycle. the thinking, i'm told, was if i could pull it off then i could replace Evil Knievel(sp?). we couldn't find a big enough ring so we found a piece of like plywood and slanted it againest a car as like a ramp and put a charcoal grill at the other end of the car. i went full speed, wobbly as hell, with no hands and barely made it. the back tire knocked the grill over.

we have video of it from a cellphone. it's amazing.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Titan! - 08-04-2008

Me+alcohol+IMs(or email) is a bad combination. I say a lot of things I end up regretting later.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - potthole - 08-04-2008

Right after I turned 21 I was over at a friend's house, and had way too much vodka followed by three too many beers. Once I finally got done emptying myself of all food, I got real hungry and convinced our DD to drive me to the McDonald's drive through.

This was one of the ones where you order in person. I was in the back seat, with our DD and another (drunk) friend up front. Our DD pulled the car up far enough so I could order for myself. I rolled down the window and stuck my head out. "HI! I'd like.... two... um... CHEESEBURGERS!"

The lady paused for a second. Looked at me, looked at the others in the car. Looked back at me, and informed me that they were serving breakfast only. Quietly, I stuck my head back into the car. Whispering, I told our driver, "Hey, she said they aren't serving burgers... back up, I need to figure out what to do." I then stuck my head back out the window. "Hold on! We'll be RIGHT back."

My friend backed the car up. I looked up at the two guys in the front. "Dudes, I really want burgers. If they aren't serving any, let's just leave." My friend said that would be fine and said he'd just pull out and leave. "NO!" I responded, "I've got to TELL her that we're not going to order." Our DD sort of rolled his eyes and pulled back up. Out the window went my head again, "HI! I know I ordered a burger, but you said you were doing breakfast only. Thanks for offering, but I really want a burger. We'll be back LATER." In my head went, I tapped the DD on the shoulder, and announced that it was now safe for us to leave.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - raudy - 08-04-2008

work, gamble, hook up with high school chicks. im sure there's more, but i dont remember

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - peachs - 08-04-2008

Titan ! Wrote:Me+alcohol+IMs(or email) is a bad combination. I say a lot of things I end up regretting later.

be too, plus, shaun and I have had some pretty horrible fights when one or both of us is drunk..

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Titan! - 08-04-2008

Peachs Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Me+alcohol+IMs(or email) is a bad combination. I say a lot of things I end up regretting later.

be too, plus, shaun and I have had some pretty horrible fights when one or both of us is drunk..

I'm a happy time drunk, so I don't think I'd be much good in a fight.

Does my ex girlfriend count ? Cause she was pretty dumb, and I did do her while drunk.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Titan! - 08-04-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:This is in honor of Hot Wings getting blasted at Radio Conference last weekend.

Back in 1987 me and six of my friends bought Eighteen bottles of Boons farm to split between us and hit the road. We were out cruising the country roads in in central Michigan up by CMU and we found an old abandon farm house to play in.

I think about four of us, including myself, were big into playing Dungeon and Dragons, as the night progressed and we steadily got drunker, me and this other guy started to revert into our D&D characters. Since the character I played was a goodie two shoes called a "Paladin" (for those of you who don't know D&D speak a paladin is a knight who can't help himself but to run around and do good deeds) and my drunk buddy also played a paladin, Our empty wine bottles became swords and we ran up and down the road in front of the old house laughing and yelling "Smite the EEEVIL!!!"

It was getting dark about that time And two of the girls that were with our party came screaming out of the house "We saw a Ghost!!, we saw a Ghost!!!" They were acting like they like they were scared out of their minds. We took this as a challenge and drunkenly sprinted up into the house to kill a ghost or two.

[drop] And now he's dead [drop]

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - peachs - 08-05-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
Peachs Wrote:be too, plus, shaun and I have had some pretty horrible fights when one or both of us is drunk..

I'm a happy time drunk, so I don't think I'd be much good in a fight.

Does my ex girlfriend count ? Cause she was pretty dumb, and I did do her while drunk.

definitely counts man

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - kaboobie92 - 08-05-2008

kissed 2 girls with boyfriends at the same party (almost got my ass kicked), then proceeded to puke in my friend's car.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Biff - 08-05-2008

I tried to run down a railroad track. Fail.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - dino - 08-05-2008

Admin Wrote:I tried to run down a railroad track. Fail.
I tried to drive some girls (here nickname was butters ;D) car down the railroad tracks to absolutely no success. Double Fail.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Howie Feltersnatch - 08-05-2008

Tryed to catch a deer...on foot. Witness testimonials say that I came surprising close despite the fact I was running like a gay bigfoot

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - dino - 08-05-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:Tryed to catch a deer...on foot. Witness testimonials say that I came surprising close despite the fact I was running like a gay bigfoot
I had a friend try to chase down a mule deer in downtown jackson hole once. Success was no where near his vocabulary that night.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Wiener Poopie - 08-05-2008

Skinny-dipping, puked in a furnace while it was running, broke a glass top table

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Queenie - 08-05-2008

Turned a cartwheel . . . in the house . . .went through a picture window and landed on the bench on the front porch in front of the window . . . slept for a bit then they finally came and got me. Had to get stiches the next morning . . . mfers wouldn't (couldn't) take me when it happened. I have a nice scar.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - brytn - 08-05-2008

I was in college and a few of went to Florida for a week. I was asleep (passed out?) on the floor and apparently got up to go to the restroom. Except I actually went to the balcony because everyone wants to piss off the balcony right? I have absolutely no recollection of doing this but, was informed of it the next morning. Also, there was someone hit by the offending stream who figured out which room we were in and what I was wearing. Luckily, by the time he got to the room I was fast asleep on the floor on the far side of the bed. I am sure it was funny to everyone there but, is not one of my prouder moments.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Wiener Poopie - 08-05-2008

brytn Wrote:I was in college and a few of went to Florida for a week. I was asleep (passed out?) on the floor and apparently got up to go to the restroom. Except I actually went to the balcony because everyone wants to piss off the balcony right? I have absolutely no recollection of doing this but, was informed of it the next morning. Also, there was someone hit by the offending stream who figured out which room we were in and what I was wearing. Luckily, by the time he got to the room I was fast asleep on the floor on the far side of the bed. I am sure it was funny to everyone there but, is not one of my prouder moments.

A friend I party with gets drunk and poops everywhere! Floors, sinks, and one time at a lake party he went on top of the raft in the lake.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Queenie - 08-05-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:A friend I party with gets drunk and poops everywhere! Floors, sinks, and one time at a lake party he went on top of the raft in the lake.

I would find a new friend to party with . . .

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

Mad Dog Wrote:This is in honor of Hot Wings getting blasted at Radio Conference last weekend.

Back in 1987 me and six of my friends bought Eighteen bottles of Boons farm to split between us and hit the road. We were out cruising the country roads in in central Michigan up by CMU and we found an old abandon farm house to play in.

I think about four of us, including myself, were big into playing Dungeon and Dragons, as the night progressed and we steadily got drunker, me and this other guy started to revert into our D&D characters. Since the character I played was a goodie two shoes called a "Paladin" (for those of you who don't know D&D speak a paladin is a knight who can't help himself but to run around and do good deeds) and my drunk buddy also played a paladin, Our empty wine bottles became swords and we ran up and down the road in front of the old house laughing and yelling "Smite the EEEVIL!!!"

It was getting dark about that time And two of the girls that were with our party came screaming out of the house "We saw a Ghost!!, we saw a Ghost!!!" They were acting like they like they were scared out of their minds. We took this as a challenge and drunkenly sprinted up into the house to kill a ghost or two.
I have wahhhhyyyyyy too many moments of drunken stupidity to be able to pick just one... I have had too many mornings where I woke up thinking "what the HELL did I do?!?!?!" The worst, I think, is the time that I attended one of my High school friends 'going away to med school' parties.... I started drinking with one of my really good friends at a winery she worked at, and proceeded to cross the street to his going away party... Not only did I get so STUPID effing drunk I couldn't stand... there were teachers from back when I was in high school there and I was a complete idiot... I made a complete fool of myself... Apparently I had to be carried out of the bar by the brother of the 'med school' friend... The only person who was drunker than me was the dude the party was for in the first place... what an effing LUSH!!!! In case you were wondering, I do not drink at all anymore....

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:puked in a furnace while it was running

Effing sick

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Wiener Poopie - 08-05-2008

boizalynne Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:
I have wahhhhyyyyyy too many moments of drunken stupidity to be able to pick just one... I have had too many mornings where I woke up thinking "what the HELL did I do?!?!?!" The worst, I think, is the time that I attended one of my High school friends 'going away to med school' parties.... I started drinking with one of my really good friends at a winery she worked at, and proceeded to cross the street to his going away party... Not only did I get so STUPID effing drunk I couldn't stand... there were teachers from back when I was in high school there and I was a complete idiot... I made a complete fool of myself... Apparently I had to be carried out of the bar by the brother of the 'med school' friend... The only person who was drunker than me was the dude the party was for in the first place... what an effing LUSH!!!! In case you were wondering, I do not drink at all anymore....

Good times

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

Then there was this one time that a friend of mine was housesitting for this rich dentist and I fell from the very top of the stairs to the very bottom, hitting every possible part of my body on the way down...... Howie and Weiner were both there... I wonder if they remember that.... I hope they don't....

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Queenie - 08-05-2008

boizalynne Wrote:Then there was this one time that a friend of mine was housesitting for this rich dentist and I fell from the very top of the stairs to the very bottom, hitting every possible part of my body on the way down...... Howie and Weiner were both there... I wonder if they remember that.... I hope they don't....

Wow . . did you break any bones??

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

Queenie Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:Then there was this one time that a friend of mine was housesitting for this rich dentist and I fell from the very top of the stairs to the very bottom, hitting every possible part of my body on the way down...... Howie and Weiner were both there... I wonder if they remember that.... I hope they don't....

Wow . . did you break any bones??
No... but I could hardly walk the next day... I had a huge bruise on my forehead, and I was a server at a restaurant at the time, so I had to explain to all of my tables why I looked like someone was abusing me... " No sir, I did this to myself.... "

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Wiener Poopie - 08-05-2008

Actually I pushed you down the stairs

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

[quote="wienerpoopie"]Actually I pushed you down the stairs

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Wiener Poopie - 08-05-2008

[quote="wienerpoopie"]Actually I pushed you down the stairs

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:Good thing I don't remember that.... Ass...

Actually I believe I was the first to come to your aid at the bottom of the stairs
You were... Everyone else just left me for dead...

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:Good thing I don't remember that.... Ass...

Actually I believe I was the first to come to your aid at the bottom of the stairs
+1 for coming to my aid poopie!!!!

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Howie Feltersnatch - 08-05-2008

boizalynne Wrote:
wienerpoopie Wrote:Actually I believe I was the first to come to your aid at the bottom of the stairs
You were... Everyone else just left me for dead...

+1 for being sober enough to remember that most of us expeted no less from you Wink

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:You were... Everyone else just left me for dead...

+1 for being sober enough to remember that most of us expeted no less from you Wink

Awww you've always had a knack for making me feel SOOOO good about myself Howie... I appreciate your lower expectations of me....

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Howie Feltersnatch - 08-05-2008

boizalynne Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:+1 for being sober enough to remember that most of us expeted no less from you Wink

Awww you've always had a knack for making me feel SOOOO good about myself Howie... I appreciate your lower expectations of me....

hey...you're clean now so we can poke fun at drunk boiza right?

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - boizalynne - 08-05-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:Awww you've always had a knack for making me feel SOOOO good about myself Howie... I appreciate your lower expectations of me....

hey...you're clean now so we can poke fun at drunk boiza right?

Right right... I can't deny that it was me being the drunken idiot...

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - beerbarella - 08-05-2008

I've never done anything dumb while drunk.

Ok, that's a blatant lie. I usually just get silly and loud, dancing on tables and things like that. Boring stuff.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - beckyp - 08-05-2008

beerbarella Wrote:I've never done anything dumb while drunk.

Ok, that's a blatant lie. I usually just get silly and loud, dancing on tables and things like that. Boring stuff.

-1 for being uninteresting!

just kidding Tongue yeah, that's the usual stuff. i tend not to get too crazy anyways. i'm a easy-going drunk.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - potthole - 08-05-2008

I think one of the more famous statements I made when drunk came from this most recent New Year's Eve. I wasn't feeling the greatest and told my wife (at time fiance), "I feel awful. I feel as though a donkey ate me, pooped me out, ate me again, and pooped me out again."

I was met with stunned silence for a moment, followed by much laughter.

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Titan! - 08-05-2008

potthole Wrote:I think one of the more famous statements I made when drunk came from this most recent New Year's Eve. I wasn't feeling the greatest and told my wife (at time fiance), "I feel awful. I feel as though a donkey ate me, pooped me out, ate me again, and pooped me out again."

I was met with stunned silence for a moment, followed by much laughter.

You married a dude ?

(waiting to see if anyone get's that)

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Queenie - 08-05-2008

Titan ! Wrote:
potthole Wrote:I think one of the more famous statements I made when drunk came from this most recent New Year's Eve. I wasn't feeling the greatest and told my wife (at time fiance), "I feel awful. I feel as though a donkey ate me, pooped me out, ate me again, and pooped me out again."

I was met with stunned silence for a moment, followed by much laughter.

You married a dude ?

(waiting to see if anyone get's that)

Well Titan eveybody calls their soon-to-be spouse a fiance, eventhough if you looked it up in the dictionary the meaning would be "a man engaged to be married". Geez . . . you are bored, huh? Tongue oh and lookin for a fight!! j/k Wink

Dumbest things you've ever done drunk - Mad Dog - 08-05-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:
brytn Wrote:I was in college and a few of went to Florida for a week. I was asleep (passed out?) on the floor and apparently got up to go to the restroom. Except I actually went to the balcony because everyone wants to piss off the balcony right? I have absolutely no recollection of doing this but, was informed of it the next morning. Also, there was someone hit by the offending stream who figured out which room we were in and what I was wearing. Luckily, by the time he got to the room I was fast asleep on the floor on the far side of the bed. I am sure it was funny to everyone there but, is not one of my prouder moments.

A friend I party with gets drunk and poops everywhere! Floors, sinks, and one time at a lake party he went on top of the raft in the lake.

In 1988 I moved to Grand Rapids and had only been in town a couple of weeks so I was staying on the floor at my friends Apartment. We loved the booze and weed was always plentiful.
We were having our nightly party and it was getting late and because we had to go too work in the morning my friend went to bed an I pulled up my blanket in the living room. Literally two minutes later my friend came out of his room, past the bathroom, through the living room, into the kitchen. I heard the oven door open, then the sound of water flowing. I was like WTF, so I got up to look and there was my friend pissing in the oven!!