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The Full Catalina Song!!! - Printable Version

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The Full Catalina Song!!! - patfromportland - 08-05-2008

Does anybody have an MP3 of this? It was probably the greatest thing I have ever heard. I want to know when his album is coming out.

The Full Catalina Song!!! - shananagains88 - 08-05-2008

Full Catalina Rap


The Full Catalina Song!!! - jb - 08-06-2008

I get the podcast so I have it. If you don't get the podcast you should. I have been saving some of my favorite bits for the past few years. It is always fun to go back and listen to them again. Kinda like creating my own "best of" show

The Full Catalina Song!!! - freebeer - 08-06-2008


Don't stop doing videos! We love them!