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FB not Gregg Daniels?
On Friday, Free Beer made references to charity scammers butchering his last name. How could anyone butcher "Daniels"?

I wonder if that's not really his last name. If he wants to keep his last name private, that's fine with me, but it seems weird that he would create a radio last name that he very rarely references.

*shrug* Maybe "Daniels" is too hard for some people.

He should just legally change it to "Beer."
Years ago I worked in television and dropped my last name for a more generic and easier to pronounce last name. I used a version of my middle name. That is the case with a lot of folks in the media (maybe free beer as well). The main reason is to avoid the inevitable stalking and intrusions by the public using online searches and phone books. It is not a secret that Zane did the same thing and so do most of the people in your local news. You normally can tell when a news anchor or weather person have a first and last name that sound eerily like two first names. Again, this may not be the case with the beer, but just thought I would throw it out there.
Try having a Polish last name. Rule is, if they can't pronounce it, hang up on them, unless its senile Grandma who, despite having a Lithuanian last name, can't pronounce it.
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
I don't even let it get that far. There's always that slight pause between when I say "Hello?" and they start their recognizable pitch, and when I hear that I instantly hang up.

As for the original topic, I have no input.
who cares what his real name is? he's Mr. Free Beer and that's all we need to know.
Jo Wrote:who cares what his real name is? he's Mr. Free Beer and that's all we need to know.

now why would you axe such a silly question as "who cares?"

of course you know who cares, the same people that want to know why hotwings misses or why zane cant make it in for the rest of a week, and the same people who REALLY need to know why joe and nikki aren't together.

it's annoying, yeah, but as long as this board is here there will always be these questions showing up, and i hope none of the show members answer any of the questions like this.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
Yeah, like I said, I don't care if he's using a fake name. - I completely understand why he would do it. It just came as a surprise when I was thrown off by the thought of someone not being able to pronounce Daniels.
I totally agree with giving us listeners a fake name...

Beleive it or not but my name is really not Howie birth name is Howard Feltisdic
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
and 20 bucks says Chris Michaels may also be a stretch.
Hey, look up "Minger" in the Ceresco phone book, and yes, you can call me. My mommy and daddy named me "Moobs," because they were so obvious, they showed up in the sonogram. and I'll post the birth certificate if I have to. Wink
Moobs Minger Wrote:Hey, look up "Minger" in the Ceresco phone book, and yes, you can call me. My mommy and daddy named me "Moobs," because they were so obvious, they showed up in the sonogram. and I'll post the birth certificate if I have to. Wink

I think you have to.
Some people are still alive because it is illegal to kill them. Really? I hope you are a new listener. You couldn't figure out Gregg Daniels and Christopher Michaels might not be their real last names? 2 fist names, with an s added sure seems suspect to me. I could be wrong, but who in tv or radio use their real names?

And really..who cares?
You're absolutely right. It's completely unheard of to have two people with first names as last names be friends.

I'm not saying that there isn't a chance that they are using fake names, I'm just saying that I don't think it's stupid for one to think that those are their real names.
I personally know people in radio who use their real names. Hell, Rush Limbaugh uses his real name.
so does Tom Barnard although Terri's last name is different
pants on the ground! pants on the ground!
Moobs Minger Wrote:I personally know people in radio who use their real names. Hell, Rush Limbaugh uses his real name.

After dropping out of college, Limbaugh moved to McKeesport, Pennsylvania. There he became a Top 40 music radio disc jockey on station WIXZ, a station that covered the Pittsburgh area. In October 1972, he broadcast over Pittsburgh station KQV under the name "Jeff Christie".

This isn't permission to brand me a "Rush lover". I'm just a fount of useless trivia.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
Yeah, how could anyone have a first name for a last name? - Ashley Kelly
So wait, they aren't really named Free Beer and Hot Wings ?
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:So wait, they aren't really named Free Beer and Hot Wings ?

What the hell? My life is a LIE!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyday you reinvent yourself into a bigger cock-shite than ever. It's incredible. I don't know how you do it. I admire you.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.
I hate to break it to you, but only one person uses their real name on the show.... Pubeface.
wannabrez Wrote:Some people are still alive because it is illegal to kill them. Really? I hope you are a new listener. You couldn't figure out Gregg Daniels and Christopher Michaels might not be their real last names? 2 fist names, with an s added sure seems suspect to me. I could be wrong, but who in tv or radio use their real names?

And really..who cares?

Christopher Michels is really Christopher Michels... ftr.
ashleykme Wrote:Yeah, how could anyone have a first name for a last name? - Ashley Kelly

actually i know someone with that name too. I also know someone named Tom Thomas. what were his parents thinking?
I knew a dude named Ivan Odor once. Real name
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
IDK if everyone knows this or not but Zane's last name is not Zane. I believe it's something else with a Z. I heard it before but forgot what it was. It's something kind of crazy so that's probably why he changed it.
siggy778 Wrote:IDK if everyone knows this or not but Zane's last name is not Zane. I believe it's something else with a Z. I heard it before but forgot what it was. It's something kind of crazy so that's probably why he changed it.

Yeah, I know what it is, and I even have a clip of it from one of their videos, which I was about to post, but out of respect for his privacy, I'll leave it alone.
ya where i work a couple of people know him. They go to the same church and they said oh ya that was Eric such and such and at the time I didn't know his last name wasn't Zane and was mad confused.
Moobs Minger Wrote:
siggy778 Wrote:IDK if everyone knows this or not but Zane's last name is not Zane. I believe it's something else with a Z. I heard it before but forgot what it was. It's something kind of crazy so that's probably why he changed it.

Yeah, I know what it is, and I even have a clip of it from one of their videos, which I was about to post, but out of respect for his privacy, I'll leave it alone.
If you have the internet and know how to navigate to the google homepage (which I presume everyone here has and should be able to do) it takes about 5 seconds to figure out what his real last name is... I'm guessing he isn't too concerned.
burnking Wrote:Google?

google is so bitchin'.
i like that there radio names hot wings and free beer.
abby38 Wrote:i like that there radio names hot wings and free beer.

hot wings and free beer are very bitchin'.
abby38 Wrote:i like that there radio names hot wings and free beer.

Yeah I like that, to
This makes me wonder how many people in the radio/news business have changed their names. It would make me feel better about Carl Apple from Wood TV if that were the case...
egowx Wrote:and 20 bucks says Chris Michaels may also be a stretch.
you are on, that was the name on the title when I bought his motorccycle from him for $1 !!
I figured it out. Free Beer's real name must be Daniel Greggs.
I do too.
Like there radio names, I mean.

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