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How I got in trouble because of the FB &HW Show
I was at the dentist for a regular check up. While I was in the chair with my dentists hands jammed in my mouth, I heard a song come over the light talk and classic rock station that playing in the room. "My child arrived just the other day, he came to the world in the usual way..." I started thinking of Zane doing his childhood voice while he talks to his father. I lost it! I tried to hold it back, but began laughing. I laughed so far I began to choke, while the dentist was working on my teeth, and I threw up. I leaned up and threw up in his little sink. I felt so embarrassed, all I could say was Kabooby and left for the bathroom.
I got in trouble because when I read this thread I laughed my ass off and everyone looked at me.

....and then I found a dollar.
That's hilarious!

Big Grin
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Awesome story. +1
Nicely played!!! Wow!!
“I wanna tell Y’all that I ain’t votin for nobody that don’t say freedom enough. Freedom ain’t free, Free Beer. We gotta fight for freedom, Hot wings. Zane you gotta eat freedom fries...Freedom, freedom, freedom, freedom..FREEDOM!"
WOW Cool story horrible bitch!!!

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