pwagon Wrote:After Zane told the history behind Dude Shadoway, I googled the Chucker, and found this nugget...
A dumb name and not nearly as awkward as the Dude (Shadoway)*.
*the only true Dude is Jeffery "The Dude" Lebowski
Thats probably because everything out of Tom Bernard's KQ Morning Show is absolutely the worst thing coming out of radio at any given moment. I live in MN and about once a year I have to spend a couple weeks listening to that crap. And then for an entire year as my ex coworkers loved it.
Top Reasons to hate Tom Bernard and the KQ Morning Show:
1. He will bring up, EVERYDAY, that his show is the "Most Listened to" show in either Minnesota or the Nation, depending on his mood. Basically, they aren't and if one was part of that type of show, you wouldn't need to make mention of it daily.
2. Their stupid "spoof" songs. I believe FBHW have made fun of spoof songs enough for you all to understand my pain. Although, they are their biggest fans in this field and are very vocal about it.
3. Terry Trane (aka ditsy laughing radio lady) need I say more?
4. Tom feels that he is the smartest man, especially in regards to politics, and will never miss a chance to give a Rushlike rant about "bleeding heart liberals" and "commies". And he brings it into EVERY conversation.
5. Blatant racism hourly. I had to listen to it last week and they spent a whole segment talking about what they saw Black people doing over the weekend. Only they didn't refer to them as "Black people". They like to come up with "cute" names (not to mention the use of the term Negro). Oh yeah, and don't forget about their (might as well be in black-face) stereotypical impressions of Black people. Don Imus might as well be Martin Luther King Jr in comparison.
6. Finally, I love how FBHW allow people to call in or read emails about how people don't like the show or bitch about stuff. Not on Tom's show, oh no, no one is allowed to call or mention anything negative about the show.
7. Oh I almost forgot, Tom's stupid impressions! You know when someone on FBHWs does a stupid impression and gets ripped for it (i.e. Zane doing Jesse Jackson), Tom does impressions and everyone thinks it is hilarious! Why? Because for some reason no one, including the listeners, will confront him. Everyone is afraid of this jerk. I'm not. I'd love to meet him face to face (no violence, just words).
I'm out of time. More to come.