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NCAA Tourney Pick'em
Just wanted to let anyone who is interested know about the Tourney Pick'em I am running this year.

$20 entry, if I get enough there will be money back for round winners and 1st-3rd will win something either way.

1. Go here:

2. Enter the password: madness

3. Make your picks

I will send an email via ESPN on Wednesday about where to send your entry and will have a paypal option for those far away folks interested.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."
For anyone who entered, make sure you get your picks in within the next day and a half so you don't miss out. There are 10 players right now, join in for your chance to win.
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."
it says it's locked ?
Wowie Groovie !
Did you enter the password?
"What you are about to see is top secret. Do not tell my mother."

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