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Road Rage
So after another holiday weekend at the Jersey Shore I am yet again disgusted with my fellow drivers. I yelled at someone so loud on my way home yesterday that my throat is sore. I am considering storing a carton of eggs in my glove box. I was almost involved in about 6 accidents and almost witnessed another 60 or so. And why is it that these a-holes never get pulled over?

Vent and share your stories here.
That's what she said.
A couple weeks back I was driving home from work. I was at a point where we were merging over to a new highway, and the car in front of me was going pretty slow. Keeping a good following distance back, I waited until the passing lane opened up. Once it did, I passed the car. As I passed the car, the dude driving it flipped me off. Rather surprised, I looked over at him and sort of gave the "What?" shrug, and continued on my own sweet way.

A short distance later, I noticed this guy had sped up and was driving in the passing lane now- sticking right in the blind spot of my car. He continued to do this for ten miles, before I got to my exit. As I exited the highway, he quickly cut through a lane of traffic to exit as well. Now I was officially pissed/creeped out.

I went ahead and made the turn to head to my apartment complex- as did this guy, a few cars behind me. Before I got to the apartment complex, I darted into the parking lot of a strip mall. I drove around it for a minute or two, just randomly going up and down the rows of cars. The guy didn't follow me this time, so I was hoping that maybe me stalling like this for a short while would lose him. After a couple of minutes, I got back out onto the road to head to my apartment.

This road is one of those city streets that has little grass medians between the opposite directions of traffic. Much to my shock, as I pulled out onto the road, THERE WAS THE GUY AGAIN. Not only was he up the road about a quarter mile, but he was headed right for me- in the wrong direction! The road is two lanes wide, so I was able to move over enough to avoid being hit, but as he drove at and beyond me, he flipped me off yet again. I kept on driving, making another couple of detours before getting to my apartment, just in case he was following me some more. Thankfully he wasn't.

I'm not sure if I've ever been so shaken up before. I'm still confused as to what I did that set this guy off, either.
Jeebus, did you get his plate number?
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
That's some crazy story Potthole, I deal with mega A holes here in Nashville daily. There is no worse feeling then not knowing what they THINK you did. Lucky you didn't get shot.
Maybe if you grow taller you could see over steering wheel and then you could see my blake light.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Queenie Wrote:Maybe if you grow taller you could see over steering wheel and then you could see my blake light.

If you wouldn't stop in front of me!
Admin Wrote:Jeebus, did you get his plate number?

No, didn't even think of it at the time. My only thoughts were that I didn't really feel like getting shot.
Ok, not quite as bad, but just earlier I had 2 cases where I really wish they would revoke liscenses on the basis of stupidity...

While driving home from work, going 60 in the right lane (someone just behind me in the left) an elderly couple decided to utilize the "michigan turn"...fine if they were turning at the upcoming light...but they weren't, and they cut directly in front of me while traveling about 40....after slamming on my brakes to avoid hitting them, I moved into the other lane at the first chance and passed them (I actually said effing something....NOT happy). Continued my drive, through white-out condition rain on the highway (SUCKS!) I was nearly home, turning onto my street, only to have to slam on my brakes once again to avoid t-boning a car pulling out from a business parking lot.....IDIOTS!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!
Do what's right....even when no one is looking.
potthole Wrote:
Admin Wrote:Jeebus, did you get his plate number?

No, didn't even think of it at the time. My only thoughts were that I didn't really feel like getting shot.

That's one of the reasons I keep a camera in my car at all times, nothing beats photographic evidence
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
potthole Wrote:No, didn't even think of it at the time. My only thoughts were that I didn't really feel like getting shot.

That's one of the reasons I keep a camera in my car at all times, nothing beats photographic evidence

Good idea. Too bad my old point & shoot took a crap and died shortly after we replaced it.
Between Memorial Day and Labor Day here at the jersey shore i have permanent road rage.

Damn effing Bennies
providencecrow Wrote:Between Memorial Day and Labor Day here at the jersey shore i have permanent road rage.

Damn effing Bennies

maybe I'm wrong, but don't all NJ drivers constantly have their middle fingers extended ?
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:maybe I'm wrong, but don't all NJ drivers constantly have their middle fingers extended ?

Well we are all pissed off but we are not all dangerous. Add a dangerous driver to a road full of inherently pissed off drivers and it makes for a messy situation.
That's what she said.
Titan ! Wrote:
providencecrow Wrote:Between Memorial Day and Labor Day here at the jersey shore i have permanent road rage.

Damn effing Bennies

maybe I'm wrong, but don't all NJ drivers constantly have their middle fingers extended ?

Yes but we are used to how we all drive, so its like friendly road rage. However now we are in Benny Season, and you see this :

[Image: parkwaysouth.jpg]

which then leads to this (someone walking up to someone at an intersection to ask for directions while the light is green):

[Image: gettingoutofcaratgreen.jpg]

and this:

[Image: tollplaza.jpg]

I'd like to say these are isolated incidents, but they are all too common between may and september.
wow I live twenty minutes outside of town on a dead end road, the only one I have to worry about stalking me home is a cow or two... well this one time a donkey did wonder up on my porch
I can get some pretty serious road rage from time to time. Whether it's people driving 5 under the speed limit but staying in the left lane on the highway, or people that slow down to 10mph about a mile before their turn, not using turning signals... The list goes on and on, but sometimes I surprise myself with how pissed I get over it. There is nothing else in the world that pisses me off like bad drivers.
I am a very easy-going person, it takes a lot to make me angry. But throw me in a car and I will fight anybody I don't care who you are.
That's what she said.
Allyson Wrote:I am a very easy-going person, it takes a lot to make me angry. But throw me in a car and I will fight anybody I don't care who you are.

Most of the time i'm pretty polite (and it's wearing off on you-know-who) . . . i'm not really in any hurry to die . . . i kinda love my live right now!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
i'm pretty easy going and 90% of the time use my signle, try not to follow to close and absolutly won't change intersections within 100 feet of a lighted intersection (pisses me off)

I've been known to swerve in the way of someone that is trying to sneak ahead when traffic is backed up due to get that slow bottle neck and everyone tryes to zoom up the left or the shoulder to get ahead....well i park my big dirty dodge in their way

"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I've been known to swerve in the way of someone that is trying to sneak ahead when traffic is backed up due to get that slow bottle neck and everyone tryes to zoom up the left or the shoulder to get ahead....well i park my big dirty dodge in their way

Haha yes, me too! Just a little frontier justice.
That's what she said.
turn signals aren't just for decoration people.
Wowie Groovie !
Allyson Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:I've been known to swerve in the way of someone that is trying to sneak ahead when traffic is backed up due to get that slow bottle neck and everyone tryes to zoom up the left or the shoulder to get ahead....well i park my big dirty dodge in their way

Haha yes, me too! Just a little frontier justice.

I drive a 97 dodge ram longbox, its been hit by 2 fork lifts (pin stripping dents) and a front end loader (hauling gravel) and it only has 87k miles on it...rusty (i never wash it) and dirty (clay dirt road) with a light bar on it

I'm not affraid of a little black paint from a volvo

the only thing the truck is missing is a pair of Truckin' Nuts (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) hanging from the rear bumper
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:the only thing the truck is missing is a pair of Truckin' Nuts (<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->) hanging from the rear bumper

NO! I'm about to smite you just for even thinking of getting those absurd things.

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